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Fear of flying? We’re here to help

Aviophobia is a pretty common fear in Australia. For the one in four Aussies who suffer, flying can be a horrible experience. Here’s what you can do to help. 

50/50 rule – caring for your parents

There are almost three million unpaid carers in Australia, most of whom are family members. But what happens when one sibling is pulling more of the weight? 

Summer skin tips

Our skin really dries out in winter and while spring is the time to rejuvenate it, summer is most definitely the time to protect it.



A laughing matter?

Cancer survivor Ros Ben-Moshe knows the healing power of a good laugh.

The A to zinc of vitamin deficiency

Vitamins and minerals are vital when it comes to ensuring our bodies are in their best shape and working correctly. So what happens when you have a deficiency, and what can you do about it?

Fearless over 50

You need only look at Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren (both in their 70's) stealing the show at Paris Fashion Week earlier this year to know that confidence has no age limit. Thanks to a recent study, there is now data to back this up. 

Cardiomyopathy explained

A disease of the heart muscle, cardiomyopathy can affect anyone, any age. An estimated one in 500 Australians suffer from the condition. 


5 tips to survive hay fever season

With spring just around the corner, hay fever season is imminent. And if you’re one of the unlucky sufferers, it’s probably not your favourite time of year.  


Boost your brain

Dr Helena Popovic explains how a single thought can change your brain for the better. 

Is this the secret to a long life?

Red wine is good for you. Don’t drink alcohol. Cut down on fat. Eat good fats. There’s lots of confusing advice out there about how to increase your chances of living a long and healthy life. 


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