As a member of Probus, you’ll enjoy domestic and international travel opportunities and access to exclusive member's discounts. You are also invited to take part in individual interest groups within your Probus Club including golf, fishing, craft, walking and cycling amongst others.
Enjoy the fellowship of like-minded people. Members get to know other active retirees in their local community as well as around Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the world.
Take advantage of exclusive deals. The Probus Member Benefits Scheme offers exclusive access to great deals and special offers from Probus Partners.
Stay active with your fellow Club Members and enjoy regular walking groups, cycling, hiking and participation in the sports that your Club enjoy.
Keep in the loop with 'Active Retirees' publications to stay informed about the lastest news for over-55s with expert advice on finance, technology, health and travel.
Develop new interests. Listen to experts talk at your club meetings on topics such as travelling the world, researching history and ancestory, and more.
Type in a suburb, postcode and select a state to find your nearest club then hit the search button