The following summarises the duties required to implement the Protocols for Meetings of the Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. More details of the duties of a Probus Club Management Committee and its officers are detailed in the Probus South Pacific Limited booklet ‘Probus Club Handbook’ .
The President manages and controls all aspects relating to the proper and safe conduct of Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. meetings, both Management Committee Meetings and General Meetings, and associated activities and outings.
The President authorises the document titled ‘Protocols for Meetings of the Glen Osmond Probus Club’ and should be cognizant of the contents of the documents listed in the Management Section.
The President should ensure that the venue heating and cooling equipment is used to provide a comfortable environment for meetings.
The President should ensure that all aspects required for the safe and secure closing down of the meeting venue are adequately attended to.
Ex Officio Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President is an ex officio member of the Management Committee which means that he/she is not elected or appointed to the position but is a member of the committee by virtue of having been the previous Club President.
The Immediate Past President is invited by the Management Committee to serve in the position because the Club values their expertise and influence in that position.
The Immediate Past Presidents that serve as ex-officio members have all the rights and obligations of the management committee that they serve on. This includes the right to discuss, debate, make decisions, and vote. It also makes them accountable for the duties of their position as stated in the Probus Club Constitution.
The Immediate Past President and past presidents in general are invited to maintain a mentoring role for new presidents, vice-presidents and office bearers and may be invited to assist with presidential duties if circumstances require it.
The Vice-President's main responsibility is to be a backup and support to the President and to take-over the presidential duties if required due to unforeseen circumstances.
The Vice-President should keep the President and Secretary advised of the planned Profile/Hobbies Speaker Programme with a copy sent to the Newsletter Officer for inclusion in the monthly Newsletter and a copy sent to the Unofficial Web Master for uploading to the GOPC Website.
The Vice-President may consult the secure GOPC Webmail Account (R) to obtain the contact details for future profile speakers.
The Vice-President should monitor and update the MS Word (docx) document titled ‘Protocols for Meetings of the Glen Osmond Probus Club’ as required and at least once per year. If changed significantly the Vice-President should submit a draft to the President for Management Committee endorsement and where required, ratification by the General Membership. Once approved the Vice-President should forward the updated Protocols Document to the GOPC Webmaster for converting to Personal Document File (pdf) format and uploading to the GOPC Website.
The Vice-President should present a short statement on the current and future Profile/Hobbies Speakers Programme to the monthly general meeting.
The Secretary is responsible for management of all correspondence to and from the Club, including monitoring the post box at PO Box 404, Glenside, SA 5065, plus preparation of Minutes of Meetings.
The Secretary is also the nominated Public Officer for the Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. and is required to be registered with the South Australian Government's Department of Consumer and Business Affairs as such. Refer to Public Officer heading below for more details.
The Secretary should, as soon as possible, alert the President to any correspondence requiring urgent attention.
The Secretary should provide the President with a suggested agenda mid-week before the coming General Meeting.
The Secretary should provide the President with a suggested agenda mid-week before the coming Management Committee Meeting.
The Secretary should distribute and make available a Personal Document File (pdf) version of the document titled ‘Protocols for Meetings of the Glen Osmond Probus Club’ to interested and concerned members or refer requesters to the GOPC Website which is open to anyone.
The Secretary should routinely monitor the GOPC Email address: [email protected], by logging in to the secure GOPC Webmail Account (R) and checking the Email Inbox.
The Secretary or if unavailable their delegate should attend and minute all GOPC meetings, both Management Committee and General Meetings and, as well as manage any correspondence received and sent, should report on such correspondence to the Management Committee and the General Meeting.
Minutes of the Management Committee Meetings
The GOPC Secretary should ensure that the Minutes of the Management Committee Meetings accurately reflect the business raised, a summary of the topics discussed and any outcomes and decisions arrived at, especially flagging any actions resulting and on whom the action was placed.
The Secretary should supply a copy of the Minutes of Management Committee meetings to the GOPC Management Committee with a copy supplied to the GPOC Unofficial Web Master. If desired the Secretary may use the GOPC Webmail Account (R) for this purpose rather than use their personal email account. A Group titled “MY GROUPS Management Committee” is available for this purpose.
Minutes of the General Meetings
The GOPC Secretary should ensure that the Minutes of the General Meetings accurately reflect any business reported or raised, a summary of the topics discussed and any outcomes and decisions arrived at, especially flagging any actions resulting. A precis of the Profile Speaker’s talk and the Guest Speaker’s Presentation will be appreciated but is not essential. As a minimum the General Minutes should record the Profile Speaker’s name and subject and the Guest Speaker’s name and subject.
The Secretary should supply a copy of the Minutes of General Meetings to the Newsletter Officer for distribution to the general membership by attaching to the email which includes the monthly Newsletter.
The Treasurer is responsible for the auditable management of the financial affairs of the Club. To assist in this purpose the Treasurer may access the current membership list by logging in to the secure GOPC Webmail Account (R) or request a copy from the Membership Officer.
The Treasurer or delegate should collect money from members for any fees charged on any meeting day.
The Treasurer should compensate officers for any required purchase of kitchen provisions and purchase of new sound system batteries as approved by the Secretary and/or President on presentation of appropriate receipts.
The Treasurer or if unavailable their delegate should attend all meetings of the Management Committee and submit a detailed report to the Management Committee.
The Treasurer should present a summarised financial statement to the monthly General Meeting.
Newsletter Officer
The Newsletter Officer is responsible for the timely and accurate production and distribution of the Club’s monthly newsletter.
The Newsletter Officer is also responsible to ensure that the Secretary provides him with a copy of the General Meeting Minutes so that they can be distributed to members at the same time as the newsletter.
The Newsletter Officer may use the secure GOPC Webmail Account (R) for Emails and Contact Lists and particularly the relevant Email Groups, to send out the monthly Newsletter and Minutes. A Group titled “MY GROUPS Members via Email” is available for electronic distribution of the Newsletter and Minutes. A Group titled “MY GROUPS Members via Post” is available for normal post distribution of the Newsletter and Minutes.
The Newsletter Officer should ensure the names of the next Morning Tea Assistants as advised by the Hospitality Officer (Kitchen Supervisor) are listed in the monthly Newsletter.
The GOPC Newsletter Officer should attend Management Committee meetings and provide a report on any issues relating to the production of the Club Newsletter and also present a short statement to the monthly general meeting.
Guest Speakers Officer
It is the Guest Speakers Officer’s responsibility to prepare a Guest Speaker Programme for at least three months ahead and preferably six to twelve months ahead.
The Guest Speakers Officer should keep the President and Secretary advised of the planned Guest Speaker Programme with a copy sent to the Newsletter Officer for inclusion in the monthly Newsletter and a copy sent to the Unofficial Web Master for uploading to the GOPC Website.
A downloadable file is available for each State from the PSPL Administration Website (R) with suggestions for guest speakers, some free, others with a fee,
The Guest Speakers Officer should invite and manage the requirements of the Guest Speakers, thus ensuring that they enjoy a smooth and successful visit to the Meeting.
The Guest Speakers Officer should liaise with the GOPC Audio Visual Equipment Specialist or delegate prior to the scheduled meeting and advise the requirements for the speaker’s presentation.
The Guest Speakers Officer should introduce the Guest Speaker and provide an acknowledgment of their contribution at the General Meeting.
The Guest Speakers Officer should attend Management Committee meetings and provide a list of future speakers and any issues arising.
The Guest Speakers Officer should present a short statement on the current and future Guest Speakers Programme to the monthly general meeting.
Membership Officer
The GOPC Membership Officer should maintain a database of current members and potential new members including details supplied by applicants in the Probus Membership Application Form – Australia. Potential new members may be placed on a waiting list in the order of application.
When required the Membership Officer should advise the following of any alterations to the Membership Data Base;
- Newsletter Officer
- Treasurer
- Attendance/Apologies Officer
- Unofficial Web Master
The Membership Officer should advise PSPL of new member details and any deletions annually and ongoing and maintain a copy of the PSPL list.
The Membership Officer should manage the new member process by way of applications, committee presentation, proposer introductions, and providing badges and certificates etc. for the President’s package.
The Membership Officer should apply to PSPL for membership cards on behalf of members.
The Membership Officer in conjunction with the Attendance/Apologies Officer and the Treasurer should monitor the attendance and apologies records with the view to ascertaining if there are any non-financial members or any non-active members.
The Membership Officer should attend Management Committee meetings and be prepared to present any issues arising.
The Membership Officer should present a short statement on the current membership status including the details of the waiting list to the monthly general meeting.
Attendance/Apologies Officer
The Attendance/Apologies Officer is responsible for preparing and maintaining the Attendance and Apologies Records. Exactly how is left to the discretion of the Attendance/Apologies Officer.
The Attendance/Apologies Officer should attend Management Committee meetings and alert the Committee to any inactive members and be prepared to present any issues arising. The Attendance/Apologies Officer may access the current membership list by logging in to the secure GOPC Webmail Account (R)or by requesting a copy from the Membership Officer.
The Attendance/Apologies Officer should provide the current status of attendance and apologies to the Secretary for inclusion in the General Meeting Minutes.
The Attendance/Apologies Officer should present a short statement on the current status of attendance and apologies to the monthly general meeting.
Strolling With A Purpose (SWAP) Officer
‘Strolling with a Purpose’ or SWAP, as it is commonly referred to, is a popular and regular outing for more active Probus Club members who take part in a casual walk around a local Adelaide neighbourhood or nearby Adelaide Hills places of interest, often with information provided by an expert visitor or a knowledgeable member who has researched the subject.
The GOPC SWAP Officer should keep the President and Secretary advised of the planned SWAP Programme with a copy sent to the Newsletter Officer for inclusion in the monthly Newsletter and a copy sent to the Unofficial Web Master for uploading to the GOPC Website.
The GOPC SWAP Officer should attend Management Committee meetings and provide a report of recent and planned activities and any issues arising.
The SWAP Officer should present a short statement on the recent and planned SWAP Programme to the monthly general meeting.
Activities Officer
During each year the Glen Osmond Probus Club holds a number of activities organised by the Activities Officer, often with the assistance of other members. Activities which have become fixtures include a fully catered Christmas lunch for members and partners, a Picnic in the Park where members and partners bring picnic tables and drinks and enjoy a catered picnic and a catered lunch of sandwiches and wine following some general meetings, usually in the winter months. In addition, outings are organised to visit places of interest, which may take a few hours or all day depending on the activity and the destination.
The Activities Officer’s role is to organise these activities, often with the assistance of other members, and includes;
- Planning a calendar of events for the year drawn up after discussion with the Management Committee.
- Organising catering, venue selection, venue booking, and transport if needed.
- Costing and setting the appropriate member fee after discussion with the Treasurer and approval by the Management Committee.
- Collecting members' contributions for each event and finalising attendance numbers.
- Co-ordinating suppliers and activities on the day
- Reviewing each event with the Committee and noting any improvements for future events.
The Activities Officer should keep the President and Secretary advised of the planned Outings and Activities Programme with a copy sent to the Newsletter Officer for inclusion in the monthly Newsletter and a copy sent to the Unofficial Web Master for uploading to the GOPC Website.
The Activities Officer should attend Management Committee meetings and provide a report of recent and planned activities and any issues arising.
The Activities Officer or delegate should present a short statement on recent and planned activities to the monthly general meeting.
Welfare Officer
It is the responsibility of the GOPC Welfare Officer to keep in touch with sick or bereaved members or those members who may be feeling isolated or lonely or who may be in need of moral support or physical help.
Where appropriate the Welfare Officer should:
- Immediately advise the President of any situation requiring attention.
- Send cards with appropriate messages to sick or bereaved members.
- Advise the President and the Management Committee if support is needed, either by member visits or transport to and from meetings.
- Offer suggestions to the Management Committee.
The Welfare Officer should attend Committee meetings and provide a report of any issues, being cognizant of the need for member’s privacy in some situations.
The Welfare Officer should present a short statement on the welfare of any members to the monthly general meeting, being cognizant of the need for member’s privacy in some situations.
Public Officer
It is compulsory for an Incorporated Association such as the Glen Osmond Probus Club to have a Public Officer. The Secretary is the nominated Public Officer for the Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. and is required to be registered with the South Australian Government's Department of Consumer and Business Affairs as such. The Public Officer is the contact for any matters under the Associations Incorporation Act and any matter requiring the Club’s seal (a stamp showing the full name of the club which may act as a signature). Information about the Public Officer position is available from SA.GOV.AU.
Unofficial Hospitality Officer (Kitchen Supervisor)
The GOPC unofficial (non-management committee position) Hospitality Officer (Kitchen Supervisor) is responsible for all aspects of planning, organising, provisioning, preparing, cleaning up and switching off the facilities required for a Morning Tea Break comprising tea, coffee and biscuits.
The Hospitality Officer (Kitchen Supervisor) should seek reimbursement from the Treasurer of any costs associated with provisioning the morning tea within the guidelines set down by the Management Committee.
The Kitchen Supervisor should supervise and direct the Morning Tea Assistants.
In general the Hospitality Officer (Kitchen Supervisor) is not required to attend Management Committee meetings but if deemed necessary may attend or send a delegate to report on any issues needing the attention of the Management Committee.
The Hospitality Officer (Kitchen Supervisor) may nominate two members as Morning Tea Assistants on a roster basis and should advise the Newsletter Officer so that their names may be included in the monthly Newsletter which is distributed to the General Membership.
Unofficial History Officer
Each year an unofficial (non-management committee position) History Officer may be nominated by the GOPC Management Committee and invited to write the annual record of the history of the Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc.
The Web Master should be asked to supply a Word document template which is stored in the History Folder on the Club’s secure GOPC Webmail Account (R) and which is available for this purpose. Once obtained and completed the final document should be forwarded to the GOPC Webmaster for uploading to the open GOPC Website.
As recent history documents contain personal information regarding the current general membership the Management Committee decided that history documents relating to the last five years may be uploaded to the open GOPC Website but should be password protected. This password is available to the general membership from the GOPC Secretary.
In general the History Officer is not required to attend Management Committee meetings but if deemed necessary may attend or send a delegate to report on any issues needing the attention of the Management Committee.
Probus Magazine Liaison Officer
Not filled to date.
Unofficial Photographer
The GOPC unofficial (non-management committee position) Photographer is encouraged to attend general meetings and associated activities and where convenient, take photographs of the attendees enjoying the occasion. Where ever possible a photograph of the guest speaker and the profile speaker will be appreciated.
The Unofficial Photographer should forward copies of suitable photographs to the GPOC Web Master who may upload them to the appropriate section of the GOPC Website which is open to anyone.
Unofficial Sound System/Audio Visual Equipment Specialist
The GOPC unofficial (non-management committee position) Sound System/Audio Visual Equipment Specialist or delegate should be available to assist with all aspects for the setup, operation and return to storage of the Bowls Club House Sound Systems including the Public Address System, and the Bowls Club Office Laptop Computer.
Prior to a Meeting the Sound System/Audio Visual Equipment Specialist or delegate should liaise with both the Vice-President as to the requirements for the Profile/Hobbies Speaker’s talk and the Guest Speakers Officer as to the requirements for the Guest Speaker’s presentation.
All microphones are operated with batteries and the Sound System/Audio Visual Equipment Specialist or delegate should check that the batteries are functioning correctly at the start of the meeting.
The Sound System/Audio Visual Equipment Specialist should ensure an adequate supply of new batteries is always available at the beginning of a meeting.
In general the Sound System/Audio Visual Equipment Specialist is not required to attend Management Committee meetings but if deemed necessary may attend or send a delegate to report on any issues needing the attention of the Management Committee.
Unofficial Web Master
The GOPC unofficial (non-management committee position) Web Master is responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. Internet websites.
The GOPC Website shall utilise the PSPL supplied “LEVEL 1” Club website, (also known as a sub website or microsite) which may be self-managed by the Club. The microsite supplied is a standard template design and has a basic template for a five page microsite with preformatted pages.
The GOPC Web Sites once approved by the Management Committee shall be hosted on the PSPL Website
The Unofficial Web Master should routinely monitor any information received and especially the Newsletter for information relevant to the GOPC Website and the GOPC Webmail Account (R). The following topics are a minimum and the Web Master should ensure that the GOPC Website and the GOPC Webmail Account (R) are kept up to date with relevant information:
- Minutes of Management Committee Meetings
- Minutes of General Meetings
- Guest Speaker Programme
- Profile and Hobby Speaker Programme
- SWAP Activities
- Outings and Activities
- Membership Details
- History Documents
- Protocol and Standing Resolution Amendments
The Unofficial Web Master should routinely update both the;
- GOPC Website which is open to anyone and the
- GOPC Webmail Account (R) which is restricted to Management Committee Officers.
If information on these sites is required to be changed significantly the Web Master should submit a draft to the President for endorsement and authorisation to publish.
In general the Unofficial Web Master is not required to attend Management Committee meetings but if deemed necessary may attend or send a delegate to report on any issues needing the attention of the Management Committee.
Assistant Positions
Tabled and approved at the GOPC Management Committee Meeting of 1st October 2018
Any Management Committee Officer may form a sub-committee and invite one or more general members to assist them in their duties.
The sub-committee may meet when and where as required.
The leader of the sub-committee may report to the Management Committee the current status of the sub-committee and any issues requiring the attention of the committee or general membership.
Assistants may be invited to attend Management Committee Meetings as visitors (without voting rights) as a way of becoming familiar with the workings of the Management Committee.
The leader of the sub-committee may delegate attendance on the Management Committee to an assistant as proxy (with voting rights) if and when required.