20250303 GOPC President Mary Dawes Opens General Meeting
20250303 GOPC Incoming Committee
20250303 GOPC Outgoing Committee
20250303 GOPC IPP Chris Lincoln and New President Mary Dawes
20250303 GOPC Tom Pearce AGM Returning Officer
20250303 GOPC Activities Report Kaye Leaker
20250303 GOPC Treasurer Andrew McEwin AGM
20250303 GOPC Secretary Brian Webber AGM
20250303 GOPC President Chris Lincoln Opens AGM
20250203 Bev Brown Profile
20241216 GOPC Xmas Lunch
20241202 Deb Morris Profile
20241202 New Member Jim Glaros Inducted by VP Mary Dawes
20241104 Bob Brummitt Profile
20241007 Prof Stephen Lincoln Talk on Nuclear Energy
20240902 Mary Dawes BEM Talk on British Empire Association
20240902 New Member Barbara Corrin and President Chris Lincoln
20240805 Peggy Barker Profile
20240805 Mary Catford Eulogy for Delia Kennett
20240708 Mid Year Lunch
20240708 President Christine Lincoln Welcome to Mid Year Lunch
20240701 Mary Catford - Welfare Report
20240701 Tom Pearce - Profile
20240701 Andrew McEwin - Bill Nankivell Eulogy
20240401 Dr Brian Cohen - Profile Speaker
20240401 President Christine Lincoln and IPP Stephen Lincoln
20240401 President Christine Lincoln Opens General Meeting
20240401 Brian Webber - Peter Lawry Eulogy
20240304 Jokester Andrew McEwin
20240304 Eulogy for Jeannie Klopper by Chris Lincoln
20240304 President Chris Lincoln Opens General Meeting
20240304 GOPC AGM Incoming Committee
20240304 GOPC AGM Outgoing Committee
20240304 New President Chris Lincoln and IPP Stephen Lincoln
20240304 GOPC AGM Returning Officer Charles Griscti
20231211 GOPC Christmas Lunch 2023
20231204 GOPC Brian Webber Eulogy for John Higgins
20231106 GPOC Jokester Tom Pearce
20231106 GPOC Beth Angel Profile Talk
20231106 GPOC New Member Bet Read, Andrea Bown and President Stephen Lincoln
20231106 GPOC New Member Jill Casperson, Andrew McEwin and President Stephen Lincoln
20231002 Alan Perry - Tracing My Family History
20230904 Dr Richard Burns - Profile
20230710 Mid-Winter Lunch
20230703 Guest Speaker Mike Smith
20230703 Heather Bey Profile
20230703 Eulogy for Alan Dawes by Andrew McEwin
20230501 Eulogy for Ron Kitchen by Andrew McEwin
20230403 New Member Heather Bey, Proposer Margaret Patten and President Stephen Lincoln
20230403 IPP Andrew McEwin and New President Stephen Lincoln
20230306 Irene McPherson, New Member Helen Martin and President Stephen Lincoln
20230306 VP Christine Lincoln, New Member Lilya Flaks and President Stephen Lincoln
20230306 Dawn Yeatman, New Member Beth Angel and President Stephen Lincoln
20230306 New Members Jim and Chris Young and President Stephen Lincoln
20230306 Mary Dawes Introduces Jim and Chris Young
20230306 Eulogy for Ross Christansen by Brian Webber
20230306 President Stephen Lincoln Opens General Meeting
20230306 Incoming Management Committee
20230306 IPP Andrew McEwin and President Stephen Lincoln
20230306 Returning Officer Tom Pearce
20230306 Outgoing Management Committee
20230306 President Andrew McEwin's 2022 Report
20230206 Michael Emms Eulogy for Geoff Chapple
20230206 Bob Brummitt Eulogy for Don Beard
20221212 GOPC Christmas Lunch
20221205 New Member Mary Mackenzie Introduced by Kath Smith
20221205 Jan Rundle Introducing New Member Liz Brown
20221003 GOPC Sandwich Lunch
20221003 Ellis Wayland Profile Talk
20221003 Helen Rice - Floreani Eulogy
20220905 Bill Nankivell 99th Birthday
20220711 Christmas in July Lunch
20220704 Brian Rice A Passion for Mechanical Clocks
20220704 Proposer Jan Rundle, New Member Mary Dawes BEM with President Andrew McEwin
20220704 Brian Rice - Eulogy for Brian Condon OAM
20220606 Secretary Alan Perry with GOPC 40th Anniversary Certificate
20220606 Phil Aikins - Profile
20220606 New Member Pamela Barlow and President Andrew McEwin
20220606 New Member Eva O'Leary and President Andrew McEwin
20220606 Brian Webber - Dick Potter Eulogy
20220606 President Andrew McEwin Opens the Meeting
20220502 Pat Cohen Induction by President Andrew McEwin
20220404 Tom Pearce - Jokester
20220404 Richard Burns - Profile Talk
20220404 President Andrew McEwin Opens Meeting
20220307 Frank Beauchamp and Geoff Eastick Eulogies by Tom Pearce
20220307 Pres Andrew McEwin Thanking Kitchen Supervisor Rosie Lonum
20220307 Pres Andrew McEwin Presents Thank You Certificate to IPP Chris Lincoln
20220307 AGM New 2022 Committee
20220307 New President Andrew McEwin and IPP Chris Lincoln
20220307 AGM Returning Officer Tom Pearce
20220307 AGM Outgoing 2021 Committee
20220307 Richard Thomas - Treasurer's AGM Report
20220307 President Chris Lincoln - President's AGM Report
20220221 Pizza in the Park
20220207 GOPC Jokester Tom Pearce
20220207 GOPC President Christine Lincoln Welcoming New Member Phil Aikins
20220207 GOPC General Meeting
20211213 GOPC Xmas Lunch
20211206 Patton, Marg Profile
20211206 Tom Pearce Jokester
20211116 GOPC Mannum Trip
20211101 Professor Stephen Lincoln - Profile
20211101 President Christine Lincoln Congratulates John Skipper on his 100th Birthday
20211101 Irene McPhersen - Induction by President Christine Lincoln
20211022 Probus Presidents Jan Rosser (St Peters) and Christine Lincoln (Glen Osmond) Meet the New SA Governor
20211004 General Meeting and Probus Day Lunch
20211004 President Lincoln with Special Probus Day Cakes
20211004 Kaye Leaker Special Lunch Arrangements avec restrictions CV-19
20211004 Tom Pearce Jokester
20211004 Charles Griscti Profile
20211004 Bob Brummitt Eulogy for Roger Brown
20211004 President Christine Lincoln
20211004 General Meeting Attendees avec restrictions CV-19
20210921 Picnic in the Park
20210906 Tom Pearce Presenting His Joke
20210906 Betty Hele Profile Talk
20210906 Director SA and NT John Hall of Probus Campbelltown
20210906 General Meeting with Masks
20210818 GOPC Trip to The Bend
20210713 GOPC at La Cucina
20210707 GOPC Christmas in July
20210705 Guest Speaker Officer Thanking Richard Venus
20210705 New Member Richard Burns Being Introduced by Vice President Andrew McEwin and President Christine Lincoln
20210705 New Member Marg Patton Being Introduced by Member Ann Gunson and President Christine Lincoln
20210705 Queens Honours Recipient John Langrehr OAM being Congratulated by President Christine Lincoln
20210705 Gordon Hunt Profile Speaker
202120623 GOPC High Tea at Glanville Hall
20210607 Guest Speaker Officer Ken Watson Thanking Sally Grundy of Mundoo Island Station
20210607 Profile Speaker Geoff Bowels
20210503 Guest Speaker Officer Ken Watson Thanking CFS Volunteer Haydn McComas
20210503 Profile Speaker Michael Emms
20210503 President Christine Lincoln Inducting New Member Beverley Brown
20210503 President Christine Lincoln Wearing the GOPC President's Collar with Name Badges
20210414 GOPC Picnic in the Park Pizzas
20210405 Richard Duncan Displays His RFDS Memorabilia
20210405 John Langrehr Profile Talk
20210405 COVID Marshall Alan Perry
20210405 New Member Stephen Lincoln being Inducted by President Christine Lincoln
20210405 IPP Ken Watson Receiving an Acknowledgement from New President Christine Lincoln
20210405 President Christine Lincoln Opens the April General Meeting
20210301 Dr Wheeler OAM Being Thanked by Guest Speaker Officer Alan Perry
20210301 President Christine Lincoln Invites Richard Duncan to Speak About the New Short Walk Activities
20210301 New President Proposes a Vote of Thanks to IPP Ken Watson
20210301 President Christine Lincoln Opens the General Meeting
20210301 AGM Incoming Management Committee
Standing L-R: Brian W. Rice (Members), Ken Watson (IPP and Speakers), Mary Catford (Welfare), Kaye Leaker (Activities), Helen Johnston Attendance), Brian Webber (Newsletter), Richard Thomas (Treasurer) Absent
Seated L-R: Alan Perry (Secretary), Christine Lincoln (President), Andrew McEwin (Vice-President)

20210301 AGM IPP Ken Watson Congratulating Incoming President Christine Lincoln
20210301 AGM Tom Pearce Acting Returning Officer
20210301 AGM President Ken Watson Proposes a Vote of Thanks to Kitchen Superviser Rosie Lonum
20210301 AGM President Ken Watson Proposes a Vote of Thanks to Secretary Andrew McEwin
20210301 AGM Outgoing Secretary Delivering the Secretary's Report
20210301 AGM Outgoing President Ken Watson Delivering the President's Report
20210301 AGM Outgoing Management Committee
Standing L-R: Brian W. Rice (Members), Alan Perry (Speakers), Kaye Leaker (Activities), Kathleen Smith (Attendance), Marg Wagner (Welfare), Brian Webber (Newsletter), Richard Thomas (Treasurer) Absent
Seated L-R: Christine Lincoln (Vice-President), Ken Watson President), Andrew McEwin (Secretary)
20210201 Guest Speaker Officer Alan Perry Introducing Stroke SA Speakers
20210201 Bev Webber - Profile Talk
20201215 GOPC Christmas Lunch at Mt. Osmond Golf Club
20201102 Proposer Ann Gunson, New Member Andrea Bown and President Ken Watson
20201102 Jan Noble being Inducted by President Ken Watson
20201102 Doug Nelson - Profile
20201102 IPP Jan Rundle Presenting the Eulogy for Gerald Cox
20201005 GOPC Feathers Lunch
20201005 Kim Perry Profile
20201005 Andrew McEwin Eulogy for Dick Collison
20200803 Alan Perry Introducing Guest Speaker
20200803 Richard Thomas Presenting Eulogies for Andrew McTaggart and Dick McKay
20200302 Michael Shanahan Introducing Guest Speaker
20200302 AGM Kitchen Staff Rosie Lonum and Marg Wagner
20200302 AGM President Ken Watson Thanks Outgoing Guest Speakers Officer Michael Shanahan
20200302 AGM President Ken Watson Thanks Outgoing Activities Officer Delia Kennett
20200302 New Management Committee - AGM 2020
20200302 AGM Incoming Committee Seated; President Ken Watson, Secretary Andrew McEwin, Standing; Treasurer Richard Thomas, Newsletter Brian Webber, Speakers Alan Perry, Attendance Kath Smith, Activities Kaye Leaker, Vice President Chris Lincoln, Welfare Marg Wagner, Members Brian Rice
20200302 AGM New President Ken Watson & IPP Jan Rundle
20200302 AGM Outgoing Management Committee 2019 Seated; President Jan Rundle, Secretary Andrew McEwin, Standing; Vice President & Newsletter Ken Watson, Welfare David Clarnette, Speakers Michael Shanahan, Activities Delia Kennett, Attendance Kath Smith, Treasurer Kaye Leaker, IPP & Members Brian Rice
20200203 New Member Betty Hele being Welcomed by Ann Gunson
20200203 President Jan Rundle - Eulogy for Bill Gibbs
20200203 Barbara Lord - Eulogy for Edith Clarke
20191217 GOPC Christmas Lunch
20191202 Guest Speaker Ann Barson Introduced by Michael Shanahan
20191202 Delia Kennet - Profile
20191202 Jane Brummitt Retiring as Kitchen Supervisor
20191202 Induction of Jan Riggs by Mary Catford
20191202 Induction of Bruce and Margaret McKinnon by Delia Kennett
20191104 Brian Condon - Profile Talk
20191022 Barossa Valley Trip
20191007 Alan Perry - Profile Talk
20190902 Rosie Lonum - Profile Talk
20190902 Introducer Alan Dawes, President Jan Rundle, New Member Pat Whittle - Induction
20190805 John Sheat - Profile Talk
20190701 New Member Deborah Morris Introduced by Jane Murray
20190701 New Member Kim Perry Introduced by Alan Perry
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 1a
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 1b
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 1c
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 2a
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 2b
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 2c
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 3a
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 3b
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 4a
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 4b
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 4c
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 5a
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 5b
20190625 GOPC Christmas in Winter Table 5c
20190603 Bob Holloway - Profile Talk
20190603 President Jan Rundle Inducting Alan Perry with Proposer Tom Pearce
20190603 President Jan Rundle Inducting Dawn Yeatman with Proposer Delia Kennett
20190603 President Jan Rundle Inducting Andrew Brown with Proposer Delia Kennett
20190603 President Jan Rundle Inducting Brian Condon with Proposer John Higgins
20190603 President Jan Rundle Inducting Joan Warren with Proposer Edith Clarke
20190506 Kaye Leaker - Profile Talk
20190410 GOPC Picnic in the Hall (Burnside Christian Church Hall)
20190401 New Member Kay Pittman and President Jan Rundle
20190401 New Member Michael Emms and President Jan Rundle
20190401 New Member Michael Emms Introduced by Richard Duncan
20190318 Lunch at Auchendarroch House
20190304 New Management Committee - AGM 2019
Standing L-R: Brian W. Rice (IPP), David Clarnette (Welfare), Andrew McEwin (Secretary)
Seated L-R: Nigel Monteith (Members), Delia Kennett (Activities), Kathleen Smith (Attendance), Jan Rundle (President), Kaye Leaker (Treasurer)
Absent: Michael Shanahan (Guest Speakers), Ross Christiansen (Auditor)
20190304 Immediate Past President Brian W. Rice and New President Janet Rundle - AGM 2019
20190304 President Brian W. Rice and Retiring SWAP Officer John Higgins - AGM 2019
20190304 Outgoing Management Committee - AGM 2019
Standing L-R: David Clarnette (Welfare), Ron Kitchen (Treasurer), Andrew McEwin (Secretary), John Thornley (Attendance)
Seated L-R: Nigel Monteith (Members), John Higgins (SWAP), Brian W. Rice (President), Jan Rundle (Vice-President), Bob Goodall (Immediate Past President and Activities)
Absent: Michael Shanahan (Guest Speakers), Ross Christiansen (Auditor)
20190304 Assistants - AGM 2019
Standing L-R: Kaye Leaker (Activities), Kathleen Smith (Attendance), Rosie Lonum (Activities), Christine Lincoln (Activities)
Seated L-R: Delia Kennett (Activities), Jill Oliver (Attendance), Geoff Chapple (SWAP)
Absent: Marg Wagner (Activities)
20190304 President Brian Rice and Kitchen Supervisor Jane Brummitt - AGM 2019
20190304 President Brian W. Rice and Outgoing Activities Officer and IPP Bob Goodall - AGM 2019
20190304 President Brian W. Rice and Outgoing Treasurer Ron Kitchen - AGM 2019
20190218 GOPC Feathers Lunch Table 2
20190218 GOPC Feathers Lunch Table 1
20190204 Jeannie Klopper - Profile Talk
20181220 GOPC Christmas Lunch - Glenelg Golf Club
20181203 Nigel Monteith - Profile Talk
20181203 John Higgins Presenting His Last SWAP Report
20181203 New Member Alan Dawes and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation
20181105 Dick Fidock AO - Profile Talk
20181105 New Member Bob Holloway and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation
20181105 Mary Mould - Rob Saint Eulogy
20181015 GOPC SWAP Stroll
20181001 Marg Wagner - Profile Talk
20181001 New Member Mary Reynolds and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation.
20181001 New Member Meredith Humble and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation.
20181001 New Member Beverley Webber and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation.
20181001 New Member Owen Bevan and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation.
20180903 GOPC Sandwich and Wine Lunch
20180903 The Hon. Christopher Pyne MP and Delia Kennett
20180903 President Brian W. Rice and New Member Tony Fackrell - Induction Presentation.
20180903 President Brian W. Rice and New Member Rosie Lonum - Induction Presentation.
20180903 President Brian W. Rice and New Member Christine Lincoln - Induction Presentation.
20180903 President Brian W. Rice and New Member Kaye Leaker - Induction Presentation.
20180814 GOPC Lunch at Uraidla Hotel Table 1
20180814 GOPC Lunch at Uraidla Hotel Table 2
20180806 Bill Nankivell - Profile Talk
20180806 Nigel Monteith Introducing New Member Geoff Bowels
20180710 GOPC Christmas-in-July Dinner - Naval, Military and Air Force Club of South Australia
20180702 Lady Margaret Young - Profile Speaker
20180702 Proposer Ian Bower, New Member Pam Leaney and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentation
20180604 President Brian W. Rice with John Higgins - Life Member Presentation
20180604 President Brian W. Rice with Nigel Monteith - Life Member Presentation
20180604 President Brian W. Rice with New Member Jeannie Klopper - Induction Presentation.
20180411 GOPC Picnic in the Park (at Burnside Christian Church Hall due to the high temperature)
20180402 Robin McKay (Proposer), Penny McTaggart (New Member), Delia Kennett (New Member), Bess Welch (Proposer) and President Brian W. Rice - Induction Presentations
20180305 New President Brian Rice and Immediate Past President Bob Goodall - AGM 2018
20180205 Guest Speakers Officer Michael Shanahan thanking Ms. Penny Gale
20180205 GOPC General Meeting
2017 GOPC Christmas Lunch - Glenelg Golf Club
2017 Induction of new members by President Bob Goodall
20170306 New President Bob Goodall, Immediate Past President Andrew McEwin, Secretary Nigel Monteith -AGM 2017
GOPC SWAP Stroll Circa 2016 a
GOPC SWAP Stroll Circa 2016 b
GOPC SWAP Stroll Circa 2016 c
20160718 GOPC SWAP #108 SWAP Officer John Higgins Leading the SWAP Group
20150720 GOPC SWAP #99 Visit to Clipper Ship "City of Adelaide" at Port Adelaide
20150720 GOPC SWAP #99 Visit to Clipper Ship "City of Adelaide" at Port Adelaide