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Visitors are always welcome at our meetings and if you would like to attend or receive further information please contact our Club's Secretary.

Alternatively just come in person and make yourself known to one of the members who will introduce you to the President. This is where we meet.

The Glen Osmond Probus Club welcomes new members and is very popular so sometimes we have a waiting list and membership may not be possible until a position becomes available (see below).

New members are invited to attend several meetings or activities as visitors, but after you have attended three meetings or activities as a guest, a current member must then propose the person for full membership, and submit an application to the Management Committee for approval.

New members are inducted at a regular meeting where they are presented with a lapel pin, name badge and information pack.  Where relevant you will be provided with a name badge for your partner/spouse who may attend up to three general meetings as your guest and will always be welcome at organised activities and events. 

Your proposer will introduce you to other members and act as your general Probus Club mentor.

To request more information please see Contact Us Section.

Membership Subscriptions

There is no joining fee to join the Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc.

Subscriptions are $40 per annum and are due in June each year.

For new members becoming full members during the year a pro-rata subscription applies.

Membership Waiting List

In 2017 the Management Committee decided that a Membership Waiting List should be introduced for new members with the maximum membership limit set at ninety. In August 2018 the maximum membership limit was raised to one hundred.

The Membership Waiting List was deemed necessary due to a legal requirement to provide adequate insurance to cover accidental misfortune and the maximum membership limit was determined based on the size of the venue and the number of people attending activities and events.

The proposal was accepted by the General Membership by show of hands in the affirmative.

Management Committee Office Bearers may see the Waiting List at the secure password protected GOPC Webmail Account (R) which is available at

Management Committee Office Bearers may see the date members became full members by consulting the Notes Field in the Personal Contacts List at the secure password protected GOPC Webmail Account (R) which is available at


Membership Classifications

 Ordinary Members

Ordinary members form the core of the Club and are included in the member count of the Club.

  • Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. Ordinary Membership in 2018 was approximately 95 members.
  • Glen Osmond Probus Club Inc. Ordinary Membership in 2017 was approximately 90 members.
  • Burnside and Glen Osmond Probus Club Ordinary Membership in September 1982 was 94 members when a decision was made to split into two separate clubs.)
  • Burnside and Glen Osmond Probus Club Ordinary Membership at inaugural meeting in June 1982 was 58 members.

Management Committee Officers

Ordinary members may be elected to be Management Committee Officers who then attend Management Committee Meetings and administer the Club affairs.

The Club considers succession planning for Management Committee Officers at every Management Committee Meeting.  In February each year when new office bearers have been identified, each proposing member must complete a “Nomination Form for the election of Office Bearers” for their respective nominee and position.  The form also requires the name and signature of the proposer and the name and signature of a seconder. Completed forms must be handed to the Club Secretary by the end of the February meeting.

Honorary Members

Honorary Members may be elected at the discretion of and on such terms as may be decided upon by a majority of members at an ordinary meeting. It is up to the Club to determine whether or not the Honorary Member is required to pay the Club's annual fee.

  • GOPC Honorary Membership conferred in 2023 to centenarian Bill Nankivell.
  • GOPC Honorary Membership conferred in 2023 to centenarian John Skipper.


 Life Members

Life Membership may be conferred upon a member who has rendered outstanding service to the Club.  Life Members shall NOT be required to pay the Club's annual fee but may enjoy all other privileges of membership. “Nominations for Life Membership may be submitted in writing to the Management Committee for consideration, and if approved, referred to the next general meeting of the Club for confirmation.”

  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 2018 Nigel Monteith for outstanding service as Club Secretary.
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 2018 John Higgins for pioneering and organising the SWAP Strolls, and for his humorous stories.
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1999 Ron Hunter.
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1996 Tig Ambrose
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1995 Brian Sandow
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1994 Bern Basedow, Perce Croser
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1992 Jack Waite
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1989 Ray Warner
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1987 Keith Lamb
  • GOPC Life Membership conferred in 1985 Con Heerdt

 Non-active Members

Non Active Membership was introduced to assist Clubs with long waiting lists as well as members who are unable to attend meetings due to long term illness. Non Active Membership is not intended for the member afflicted with a short- term illness (less than six to twelve months or more) or a disability such as a broken leg or arm, etc. requiring approximately a similar short absence from Club meetings.  Non-Active Members:

  • Pay 50% normal membership fee
  • Do not need to attend meetings or events
  • Do not need to send an apology
  • Receive the newsletter and other information
  • Are not included in the membership count
  • Have no capitation fees payable
  • Can re-join as active members if they wish
  • Would have priority on any waiting list.