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The'appetisert' topic fopr the Febryary meeting was the coming RBA decision on whether to decrease the official rate, leave unchanged or increase; a plethora of influences and impacts discussed, a very good discussion.

Several previously discussed “shares of interest“ were updated and some new additions put forward. The first month’s figures for the $100k portfolio challenge were compared with great interest; Kieran , the President from Boronia Probus the “bolter“! With some major drops on the ASX recently little wonder some of us were in the RED! Stay tuned, there will be changes I am sure. Articles of interest were shared.

Share trading “bloopers“ was an interesting agenda item, significant losses also means some valuable learnings would summarise this segment.

Contact Daryl on 0437 369 584 if you have questions or would like to join us.

Our group managed to work through what turned out to be an ambitious agenda. We revisited the group’s guiding statement. Further updates on previous shares of interest were covered together with contributions of new shares of interest. There was discussion of members share activity. A new agenda item looking at interesting articles and videos brought good results.

Perhaps the greatest collective engagement was each member providing a description of their portfolio for the $100,000 phantom competition. Members have structured their portfolios in different ways. The test of course is how they perform overtime.

Next meeting will be the first comparison, so a very lively item that will be on the agenda!

If there are any other members who wish to join the group and pick up with the competition it is not too late. Big prizes of course for the portfolio with the highest capital gain and second the highest dividend earner. The last agenda item was essentially topics members’ had raised and this was

So a meeting with a great deal of discussion, learning, explanation and laughter; and significantly contributions from everyone including new member Scotty!

Any queries about joining the group please contact Daryl Rogers on 0437 369 584