2025 Coffee Mornings at Gourmet Girl
24 February
You should come along and join this group - you never know what might happen.
Ken arrived with a bag of goodies to share from his commumnity garden patch and to enjoy coffee while his better half was busy weeding the veggie patch. It was all hands-on deck to claim a cucumber, zucchini or marrow.
Thank you to you both for the great fresh produce.
It will be enjoyed in my household for sure.
(Photo Courtesy Chris Summers)
Monday morning coffee is back in full swing following the Christmas / New Year break for the hard-working staff. A huge thank you to the staff for the attentive way we are looked after each Monday.
Coffee time is 10.30, but some come early for their coffee fix before others arrive.
Each Monday we solve the worldy problems.
Congratulations to the owners too as they became grandparents to Fei, which means flying high. And of course the new Mum, Jess.
Coffee will recommence Monday 20 January at 10.30 or earlier for early-commers.
Monday 20 January saw nine members plus a visitor, get together at Gourmet Girl to welcome in the new year of coffee mornings. Scones, jam and cream and fruit loaf were the order of the day.
Please come along and join this happy group.
Monday Morning Coffee
A number of our club members meet every Monday morning for coffee at Gourmet Girl in Salisbury Avenue, Laburnum.
This a weekly event in which a dozen or more members participate all year round. Good coffee and good food as well as good company. Meet at 10.30 am.
Need more information?
Please contact Ada Deunk on 0428 146 253
July 2024
While many members were snug and warm at the Balwyn Cinema on 15 July, seven members braved the freezing cold and sat outside at Gourmnet Girl. It was freezing and the overhead heater 'had gone to God', making it even colder, but we had fun and solved many worldly problems.
You should join us and with numbers, we might keep warmer. I hope you theatre goers enjoyed melting jaffas. Did they roll down the aisle?
We now have a choice of sitting inside where it can be a bit noisy or outside in the fresh air and sharing with the local birds.
Photos thanks to Glenn Ewing.