AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Probus concentrates on making sure that retired and semi-retired persons, enjoy the fellowship of each other.

To achieve those aims, our club, as well as staging interesting monthly meetings each with a speaker, endeavours to have a range of activities based on member interest. Groups are formed around activities such as picnics, golf, walking, entertainment, drone flying, photography, monthly film day, Monday morning coffee group and lunches at various places e.g. RSL's and Clubs in ther vicinity.

Each group needs a convener to ensure its' smooth running so if you are interested and able please consider volunteering for these positions as new groups are formed.


Radio Broadcast - 20 February - Chris

I had a live broadcast on community radio 3WBC 94.1FM in the studio at the Box Hill Town Hall. Gabby Beams has a 2 hour segment on Thursdays called Forum.

I had pre knowledge of questions to be asked promoting Probus and I went prepared, but Gabby kept me on my toes by asking me the questions in a totally different order to her running sheet, biut I survived and was far more relaxed once I got into the studio than I had been all day waiting for by big debut.

Did anyone hear the broadcast?  I will not give up my day job.

Photos: Chris Summers















Cuppa and Chat time at January Meeting.































Next meeting 4.2.2025 at 10am at

Blackburn Bowls Club meeting room, Pakenham Street, Blackburn.

Our group managed to work through what turned out to be an ambitious agenda. We revisited the group's guiding statement. Further updates on previous shares of interest were covered together with contributions of new shares of interest.  There was discussion of member share activity. A new agenda item looking at interesting articles and videos brought good results.

Perhaps the greatest collective engagement was each member providing a description of their portfolio for the $100,000 phantom competition. Members have structured their portfolios in different ways. The test of course is how they perform overtime.   The next meeting will be the first comparison, so a very lively item that will be on the agenda!

If there are any other members who wish to join the group and pick up with the competition it is not too late. Big prizes of course for the portfolio with the highest capital gain and second the highest dividend earner.

The last agenda item swas essentially topics members' had raised and this was productive.

So a meeting with a great deal of discussion, learning, explanation and laughter from everyone; and significant contributions from everyone including new member Scotty!

Any enquiries about joining the group please contact Daryl Rogers - 0437 369 584.


Government House Speech - Michael Ransom

Thank you to everybody for the wonderful warm welcome we have received here in New Zealand. A particular thank you to your excellency Dr Davies for inviting us to Government House to celebrate fifty years of Probus in New Zealand.

To me, your invitation is a reflection of how much value Government places on what Probus does in supporting people in our communioty who are retired or semi-retired.

When the first Probus Club opened fifty years ago at Kapiti, it was the first time that Probus came to the Southern Hemisphere.

Who would have guessed, when the first club started here fifty years ago, that by 2024 Probus would have spread all throughout New Zealand and indeed, across the ditch to Australia as well.

Every Probus member, including me, is celebrating this magnificent milestone across New Zealand.

While Probus is all about fun and friendship, we perform a valuable service to the commuinity as well, by helping people adjust to retirement.

I use the words "communnity and companionship" a lot when I am talking about Probus. Wherever I go, I hear people saying how important their Probus Club is in keeping them active and developing new friendships in their local ciommunity.

About twelve months ago Marie and I attended a thirtieth annibversary of a club in northern Victoria which had been completely flooded a few months earlier. Many of the members had lost everything in their homes and had temporarily relocated or were living in caravans, but they all came back for the celebration; it was so important for them to re-connect and share their stories. It made me realise how important our clubs are in supporting people in good times and in bad.

It is wonderful that your original club in New Zealand is continuing to thrive. It is a tribute not only to the present leadership of the club, but also to all those who have worked so effectively over the past fifty years.

I would also like to acknowledge Rotary International. It is thanks to Rotary that Probus came to New Zealand and Australia and I am very grateful for their continued support over the years.

Congratulations to all New Zealand Probus members, we hope that you all enjoy your 50th anniversary celebrations. On behalf of PSPL, we look forward to working together to ensure that Probus continues to help thousands of New Zealanders for the next 50 years.



Richard Chilton, President of the Kapiti Coast Probus Club in NZ. Kapiti Coast was the first club in NZ and indeed, the southern hemisphere. He is holding a tuit from our Club, which I presented to him at their fiftieth anniversary celebration a couple of days earlier.














Silvana Martinagno, CEO of PSPL, Richard Chilton and Michael Ransom.







5 members attended - M/N members seated with Drysdale probus members. 250 members in attendance - Quizzes and music entertained members. 

Probus clubs from various areas  of Victoria came together on Friday 30th August to celebrate the

40th anniversary of the Probus Association of Victoria. Club members swapped freely stories about club events and guest speakers.

PAV organisers presented members with a 20 item cryptic quiz to test people’s knowledge of Victorian towns and Melbourne suburbs.  A two piece band entertained the audience with golden oldie music hits. Well done PAV organisers for bringing together 250 probus members. It was fun event for country and city probus members .   



BBQ Bowls Day - a washout but a great lunch. 


Footy tipping