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March 23, 2025.

Warran Glen Nursery and Cafe

373-383 Ringwood-Warrandyte Road, Warrandyte.


We had such a great time last visit in 2024, we have decided to do it again.

It’s another chance for members to dine on great food, a pleasant atmosphere and too many lovely treasures tempting us to buy.

Contact: Meryl  0407 042 572


February 23 - Sunday lunch was at “Majella”, Nunawading.

What a fabulous day. The day considerably cooler than the day before when the temperature reached close to 40’c.  After reaching the back garden for the bbq, a light breeze was blowing, the smells wafting through were amazing especially after the onions were added to the mix. Suddenly, black clouds appeared and it rained making many run for cover. By the time they had reseated themselves, the sun was out and it got warmer again. Some even did not bother to move and enjoyed the slight dampening of their ‘attire’.

Everyone had a wonderful few hours enjoying the bbq snags of two varieties and very large rissoles and delicious salads. Some enjoyed a glass or three of their wine choice and some enjoyed the punch provided which was very cool and refreshing. After lots of talk and solving the world’s problems, fruit salad and pavs were the order of the day. No seconds were available – what a shame !!!

A huge thank you to the Cross family for allowing us to invade their home.

All 31 of us thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Hope you did too, Gerry and Kate.

(Photos Courtesy Chris Summers)