24 Jan 2013
The East Fremantle Probus Club annual getaway for 2012 was held at the lovely Avalon Homestead in Toodyay.
02 Jan 2013
The women of Morley Ladies Probus Club had some post-Rendezvous fun racing down the mountain in Rotarua.
05 Dec 2012
Members of the Karrinyap Ladies Probus Club have had some very interesting outings lately, both within easy travelling distance of the metropolitan area.
26 Nov 2012
The East Fremantle Probus Club helped two members celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.
22 Nov 2012
Claremont celebrates 20 years with lunch, cake and some singing. Sixteen foundation members were present.
20 Nov 2012
Nearly nine years ago a stalwart member of the Booragoon Men's Club, Barry Blaikie, was instrumental in introducing what would prove an outstanding social success story for the club.