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Life membership for Rhys

Rhys Lewis, foundation president, was awarded life membership of the Combined Probus Club of Balnarring in recognition of his unstinting contribution to the establishment of the club.


25th anniversary

Carine Duncraig Probus Club, WA's first mixed club, celebrated its 25th anniversary with a special luncheon. 

Life memberships at Attadale

The Combined Probus Club of Attadale presents life membership certificates to two special members. 

Card playing

Fifty-four participants joined together for a card playing day, hosted by Rodney and Margaret Orr. 


New committee for Melville

The Melville Ladies Probus Club had their AGM in March, inducting a new committee for 2013/14. 

Recognising foundation stalwarts

At a recent club meeting at Lake Karrinyup Country Club, President Arthur Lodge presented members John Pope,Noel Monks and Ron Sears with life membership certificates and medallions.

Recording history

The Attadale Men’s Probus Club celebrated its 30th anniversary in October 2012 with the publication of a special club history.

Knit, knit, knit

Attadale Combined's interest group Stiches and Yarns resurrected their knitting needles for premature babies in Western Australia coming together for fun and fellowship.

District 9465 Conference

To promote the good relationship between Probus and Rotary, the Rotary District Probus Chairman attended Rotary's District 9465 Conference. 

30th birthday celebrations

Everyone at the Attadale Men’s Probus Club’s 30th anniversary lunch agreed that it was a well organised and happy occasion where the bonds of personal friendships were enhanced and the organisation’s foundations reinforced. 


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