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Quarter milestone reached

More than 70 guests celebrated as the Probus Club of Eaglehawk celebrated its 25th anniversary in style. 

Cottage by the sea

Donvale Hill Probus Members travelled to Queenscliff, met by a beautiful welcome at Cottage by the Sea. 

Victorian clubs getting a boost

The Victorian Probus movement is in an active phase, with assistance from Rotary sponsors including District 9800 and an upcoming Probus Information Day.

Councillor's visit

Members of the Combined Probus Club of Whittlesea recently spoke with their local Councillor about upcoming projects in the region.

Rochester's annual dinner

Members of the Rochester Probus Club celebrated two Life Memberships at the club's 16th annual dinner.

Defibrillator for Donvale

Donvale's Probus clubs have worked together to have a defibrillator installed in the church hall where they meet.

Frankston's 20th

Frankston Combined Probus Club celebrates 20 years.

Camera club in action

The Dingley Central Combined Probus Club love taking part in interest groups, including capturing beautiful images with the camera club.

Mother-daughter duo at Sandbelt

Mother-daughter duo, Thelma and Lorraine are both active, valued members of Sandbelt Ladies Probus Club. 

Christmas at the Probus Club of Red Hill

2013 at the Probus Club of Red Hill culminated with a wonderful Christmas dinner at the beautiful Safety Beach Yacht Club.

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