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Kaniva Probus Clubs 20th Birthday

Kaniva Probus Clubs 20th Birthday

Buninyong Probus Club Outing

Buninyong Probus Club Outing


Our club once again hosted a third very successful annual 500 card tournament at the Sandown Park Hotel Monday 4 May 2015 .

The ANZAC spirit

Members of Upper Yarra Probus Club enjoyed a unique experience when they were served lunch in the ‘trenches’ to honour the spirit of Anzacs. 

Annual Probus Bowls Day

The annual Rochester Probus Bowls Day was held on Monday 20th April at the Rochester Bowls Club.

Casey Combined Probus Club enjoy a Caravan Trip

Thirty-six members travelled to Echuca for an enjoyable few days where the weather was kind to us throughout the week.

Warracknabeal Probus Information Day

Warracknabeal Probus Information Day was held on 27th April, 2015.

Probus Club of the Peninsula members enjoy a day outing

Probus Club of the Peninsula members enjoy a day outing

An island holiday

Fascinating historical tours, delicious seafood feasts and beautiful scenery were all part of a recent trip to Norfolk Island for the Probus Club of Dingley.

Dedicated Member of Sorrento Ladies Probus Club Inc.

Maureen Chandler, a dedicated Member of Sorrento Ladies Probus Club Inc.

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