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Citizen of the year

Probus member Ian Black was awarded the Citizen of the Year award at the Southern Grampians Shire Australia Day celebrations held in Hamilton Botanic Gardens. 

Morning tea

The Whitsunday Probus Club and the Rathmines & Wangi Probus Club joined together for a special morning tea. 

Ormiston House visit

Twenty-eight Probus members and friends visited Ormiston House at Redland Bay.  


Spring in Tuscany

The Nerang and Surfers Paradise girls enjoyed pre-dinner drinks on the rooftop of their luxury hotel at Lake Maggoire during the Tuscany in Spring 2013 tour.

News from Hervey Bay

The Fraser Coast-Hervey Bay Combined Probus Club revisited the joys of childhood with a presentation from local children’s author, Chris Collin at our recent meeting.

New club: Miami

Miami Probus Club had its first meeting recently, finishing with 64 members. The club will cap membership at 65, allowing for a waiting list of five. 

Life membership

At the nomination of past-president, Don Fowler, and the agreement of the executive, President John Barrie surprised John Horchner with a life membership badge.

Stanthorpe and Noosa

What a great opportunity for two Probus clubs to exchange Fun, Friendship and Fellowship when the Noosa 2010 Combined Club left Noosa to ‘go west’ and explore the Granite Belt and the Darling Downs.  

Guest Speaker for Warwick Combined

Dr Hume Field was guest speaker at the Warwick Combined Probus Club meeting and luncheon. 

Better health through medical research

At a recent Currimundi Combined Probus Club meeting nearly 100 guests listened intently to guest speaker, Sarah Dean.

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