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New Members!

  • Visitors, guests and potential new members are very welcome and encouraged to attend our Monthly General Meetings, which are held at 10:30 a.m. on the 1st Monday of each Month (Excl January) at the Waurn Ponds Hotel.

  • When you have attended three General Meetings as a guest, you will be eligible to join our Club as a member, subject to number restrictions and those already on our waiting list. A current member will propose you for membership to our Club, and your application will be submitted to the Management Committee for approval.

  • Visitors and Guests will only be permitted to attend a maximium of six (6) meetings and/or activities of our Club before becoming Members. 

  • New members are inducted at a normal Monthly General Meeting, when they are presented with a lapel pin, name badge, induction certificate and information pack.

  • Membership Subscriptions – The present subscription is $35 per annum and is due in April each year.

  • For members joining during the year a pro-rata subscription applies.

  • The Nomination Fee for all new Members is $20.

  • Membership of our Club shall be open to retired and semi-retired professional and business people and others from any worthy vocation and who appreciate and value opportunities for social contact with others in similar circumstances.

  • For more detailed information or enquiries, please contact our Secretary.