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March 2025 - AGM.

February 2025 - The February 2025 Guest Speaker was Dr Lesley Cadzow, a rural and remote GP, polar guide and expedition doctor who presented on “The nature of medicine on the edge”. Lesley gave Club Members a great presentation of her polar expeditions with lots of photos.



December 2024 - No Guest Speaker - Our Christmas Meeting.

November 2024 - No Guest Speaker because of our Fashions on the Field Competition. 

October 2024 - The October 2024 Guest Speaker was Ms Kristy Kayler from The Nurse Next Door – Home Care Services. Kristy spoke about all the different types of accidental dangers to persons of advanced ages and the ramifications of their injuries. Kristy also spoke about her Business which provides Nurse & Home Care Services for persons of advanced ages in their Home.

September 2024 - The September Guest Speaker was Col Hutchinson. Col is a Statistician for the Geelong Football Club and the AFL.

August 2024 - The August Guest Speakers were from Ambulance Victoria (Barwon Southwest Region). James & David gave a Stroke Awareness presentation and spoke about what to do in Cardiac Arrest situations and gave a CPR Demonstration. Dianne from the Stroke Foundation and who suffered a Stroke in her 20’s gave a very sobering insight into the long-term effect of Strokes

July 2024 - No Guest Soeaker - Our 10th Birthday Celebrations.

June 2024 - The Guest Speaker was Ms Cheryl Scott from the Osborne Park Association who  gave a very informative talk about about the History and the Future of Osborne House in North Geelong.

May 2024 - The Guest Speaker at the May 2024 General Meeting was Dr Emily Shaw from the Western Skin Institute. Emily gave Club Members a very comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation and talk about all aspects of Skin Cancer.

April 2024 - The Guest Speaker at the April 2024 General Meeting was Mr Tony Wright from Bare Legal who gave Club Member a very interesting and informative talk on Wills, Estate Planning and Powers of Attorney

March 2024 - AGM.

February 2024 - The Guest Speakers at the February 2024 General Meeting were Constable Amy Burke and Police Officer Dee Kuechmeister from the Community Office of Geelong Police. They gave Club Members a very broad outline of the different types of Financial and Technology Scams that we may encounter, what to look for and how we should respond to them.




December 2023 - No Guest Speaker - Our Christmas Meeting.

November 2023 - Our Guest Speaker at the November 2023 General Meeting was Ms Joy Leggo, the CEO of Cultura. Joy gave Club Members a very detailed and informative talk about how the Cultura Organisation works in the Community to assist those new Immigrants arriving in Australia. It also included a very sobering insight into the subject of Aged Care in Australia, with a strong message that everyone in our Probus Club needs to embrace and consider the Planning Process as they Age. Today’s presentation also included a very interesting slide presentation about Cultura.

October 2023 - Our Guest Speaker at the October General Meeting was Mr Peter Spring from the Lorne Historical Society who gave Club Members an interesting and very detailed and informative talk with lots of old Photos about the construction of the Great Ocean Road following the end of the First World War in 1919.

September 2023 - Our Guest Speaker at the September 2023 General Meeting was Mr Andrew Balaam from the Cottage by the Sea. Andrew gave Club Members a comprehensive insight into the formation of the Cottage by the Sea and how it operates to assist disadvantaged children.

August 2023 - Our Guest Speaker at the August 2023 General Meeting was Ms Rachel Gleeson from Lifeline who gave Club Members a very detailed talk about its history and a great insight into the way Lifeline functions with its volunteer counsellors and other workforce.

July 2023 - Our Guest Speaker at the July 2023 General Meeting was Ms Celia Meehan who spoke on her involvement in the Australian Refugee resettlement program.

June 2023 - Our Guest Speaker at the June 2023 General meeting was Ms Robyn Stevens, General Manager Community Life at City of Greater Geelong.  Robyn gave a brief history of her work and family life before becoming involved in her position of Leadership at the City Council in the area of ‘Community Life’ across the Region.

May 2023 - Our Guest Speaker was Colin Mockett OAM who talked about his arrival in Geelong and various aspects of his education, work life and Geelong Historian, as well as his involvement in Geelong Cemetery Tours, Theatre and Sustainability.

April 2023 - Our Guest Speaker was Mr Josef Vass, Manager Transport Strategy Barwon South West with the Department of Transport and Planning.

March 2023 - AGM.

February 2023 - The February 2023 Guest Speaker was Superintendent Gail McClure from the AFP, the daughter of Club Members Val & Wally McClure. Gail gave Club Members a very enlightening and informative talk about the current activities including some past cases of the AFP. Gail’s talk also provided a very good bio and background of the 24 years she has been a member of the AFP.




December 2022 - No Guest Speaker - Our Christmas Meeting.

November 2022 - Our Guest Speaker was Ms Kate Kerkin who spoke on social housing, housing affordability, community infrastructure planning and other planning related matters. Kate gave Club Members a very comprehensive and detailed view of the current issues facing all Australian Governments on matters relating to Housing affordability including Social & Low Income Housing.

October 2022 - Our Guest Speakers were Ally (Phillips) and Tina from the Geelong Juggernauts Dragon Abreast Boat Club. Ally & Tina gave Club Members an interesting talk about the Juggernauts Club which raises monies for Breast Cancer, and which also participates in Dragon Boating activities proving that you’re never too old to try something new.

September 2022 - Our Guest Speaker was Mr Brett Allan.  Brett was an AFL Umpire from 1992 to 2007and he gave Members a very comprehensive insight into the world of AFL Umpires including the selection process.

August 2022 - Our Guest Speaker was Mr Kevin Taylor from Kevin gave us a very detailed and interesting story of his involvement in the world of Robotics over the past 35 years.

July 2022 - Our Guest Speaker was Ms Lorraine Smith from Warrnambool. 

June 2022 - Our Guest Speakers were Ms Kerry Deakin and her able assistant Lucy from the CFA. Kerry & Lucy gave Members a very detailed and interesting presentation on Home Safety, the main causes of Fire in the Home, and what precautions we can take to prevent these unfortunate incidents.

May 2022 - Ms Elise De Smet & Ms Maddie Sharp from Hearing Australia. Elise & Maddie gave us a very detailed talk about the Hearing deficiency in older Australians and gave Club Members a demonstration of a simple initial hearing test on a volunteer Club Member.

April 2022 - Mr Gary Theodore. Gary is a Property Valuer and he gave Club Members a very informative talk about how Property Valuations are conducted and what these Valuations are used for.

March 2022 - AGM.

February 2022 - Ms Libby Mears - Libby is currently the CEO of Leisure Networks, an organisation that provides NDIS disability support services. Libby gave us an informative talk about her background, her experiences working in the Health Industry and her time as Councillor and Mayor of the Surf Coast Shire Council.





December 2021 - No Guest Speaker - Our Christmas Meeting.

November 2021 - Ms Libby Coker the Federal MP for Corangamite (Zoom) - Libby gave our members a very comprehensive talk about her background from her early days as a High School Teacher in Frankston & Geelong before moving to Local Government as the Mayor of the Surf Coast Shire Council and finally to Canberra as our Federal MP for Corangamite.

October 2021 - Mr Ben Flynn (Zoom) - Ben is the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. Ben gave our members a very positive story on what was happening in the Business Community of Geelong, despite all of the negative impact from the Coronavirus Lockdowns.

September 2021 - Mr Austin Patterson (Zoom) - Austin commenced working as a Social Worker in inner Melbourne in the 1970’s and has spent a lifetime working in lots of different roles in the Community Health and the Aged Care Sector. Austin gave Club Members a great insight into the changes that have occurred in the Social & Community Health systems during the past 40 years.

August 2021 - Ms Patti Manolis (Zoom) - Patti has had a lifelong career in Public Libraries, and was the CEO of the Geelong Regional Library from 14 years from 2006 until 2020. She gave our members a brief history of how she became involved in the Public Library movement, and how the Geelong Regional Library has been transformed over the past 15 years. 

July 2021 - Mr Jack Ayerbe - Jack is a well-known Geelong Veterinarian who started his career in Ireland in the 1970’s. He gave our members a very enlightening and informative talk on his time in Ireland, his career in Veterinary Science and the current state of Veterinary Science in Australia.

June 2021 - General Meeting held online via Zoom - No Guest Speaker

May 2021 - Ms Elaine Carbines AM - Elaine is the departing Chief Executive of G21. Elaine gave Club Members a great insight into the work of G21 in the development and implementation of plans to improve a wide range of community issues & events in the Geelong Region.

April 2021 - Mr Gary Newton - Gary contracted Polio as a young child. He gave members a great insight into the effects of Polio on his life and the world-wide efforts to eradicate the disease. He also covered how the NDIS responds to the disability and work vaccines do in preventing disease around the world.

March 2021 - AGM.

February 2021 - Ms Barbara Abley - The former Mayor of Geelong gave Club Members a detailed insight into the leadup to, and her time as the Mayor.



December 2020 - No Guest Speaker - Our Christmas Meeting.

November 2020 (Zoom) - Mr Michael Kinstry the former CEO of GenU and now CEO of Social Enterprise Australia. Mike gave us a very informative talk about the Disability Industry and how it all fits together with the NDIS.

October 2020 (Zoom) - Ms Ms Sabine Ostrowski from the Macular Disease Foundation of Australia. Sabine gave all the Zoom Participants a very informative talk on the effect of Macular Degeneration of the Eye and the importance of diet and regular eye examinations to prevent this serious disease.

September 2020 - General Meeting held online via Zoom - No Guest Speaker.

August 2020 - No meeting held due to the Corona Virus Pandemic

July 2020 - No meeting held due to the Corona Virus Pandemic

June 2020 - No meeting held due to the Corona Virus Pandemic

May 2020 - No meeting held due to the Corona Virus Pandemic

April 2020 - No meeting held due to the Corona Virus Pandemic

March 2020 - AGM.

February 2020 - Mr Rodney Richards from the Angel Flight Charity Group, who gave a very interesting and informative insight into the origins and operations of Angel Flight Charity.




December 2019 - No Guest Speaker - Our Christmas Celebration with Entertainment.

November 2019 - Ms Alicia Neels, an Antimicrobial Pharmacist with the Geelong Hospital gave us all a very detailed and informative talk about the Geelong Hospital Pharmacy following the completion of its new Medicine Distribution System.

October 2019 - Mr Jon Mamonski gave us all a very informative talk on his Trip to Cape Kennedy & NASA in January 2019.

Septenber 2019 - Mr Eric Faulkner who gave a very interesting and detailed look into the Titanic from its very beginning in Belfast, until it sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912 with the loss of more than 1,500 lives.

August 2018 - Senior Constable Andrew King, the Community Police Officer, Home Safety and Security at Victoria Police from the Waurn Ponds Police Complex gave a presentation on Geelong’s Crime Statistics and an Informative Guide to Home and Vehicle Safety.

July 2019 - Club Member, Betty Kennedy gave a short presentation on “My Cray Fishing Time in South Australia” .The July Meeting also included an extensiver display of our fellow members Crafts and Collectables.

June 2019 - Ms Phillipa Challis gave a very entertaining & informative talk on the Geelong Laughter Group.

May 2019 - Mr Jon Mamonski, the Community Relations Manager of GPAC. - The proposed plans for the rebuilding of the Geelong Performing Arts precinct.

April 2019 - Ms Julie Mc Saden - Julie is a former Hospitality Teacher at the Barwon Prison Complex and gave us a very informative and sometimes humorous view of ‘Life Behind Bars’ + Our annual Easter Bonnet Parade.

March 2019 - AGM.

February 2019 - Mr Mukhles Habash - Christian refugee from the northern part of Iraq near Mosel.




December 2018 - No Guest Speaker - Christmas Celebration with Entertainment.

November 2018 - Mr Mike Killingsworth - Peking to Paris Car Trip (Part 1).

October 2018 - Ms Janet Clayton - Cheese & Yoghurt making demonstration.

September 2018 - Mr Frank Costa - Local “celebrity” who gave us a a wonderful insight into his family history, beginning with the immigration of the first Costa family to Geelong in the late 1800’s from the Aeolian Island of Salina. 

August 2018 - A Team from the Barwon Health Clinical Trials team - The processes involved in trials for new drugs and treatments.

July 2018 - Reverend Noah Park - The Mission to Seafarers in Geelong.

June 2018 - Mr Denis Lindsay - Wills & Estates.

May 2018 - Mr Murray Grills - Show Judge of Goats.

April 2018 - Mr Greg Cook - Hello World Travel + Our annual Easter Bonnet Parade.

March 2018 - AGM

February 2018 - No Guest Speaker - Club Discussion & Workshop.




December 2017 - No Guest Speaker - A Christmas Celebration with Entertainment provided by Christine Middleton.

November 2017 - Mr Les Davey - A Video Presentation and talk on travelling the Canning Stock Route.

October 2017 - Mr Fernando Garcia - Barwon Water in Geelong.

September 2017 - Ms Connie Trathen - Port Phillip Ferries.

August 2017 - Mr Frank O'Neill - Vitalcall Communications

July 2017 - Mr Bryan Eaton - Some Poems, Irish Jokes and the 15 advantages of being Old.

June 2017 - Inspector Kerryn Hynam - The Western Region Family Violence Inspector from Victoria Police.

May 2017 - Mr Damian Armour - CEO of the Epworth Hospital in Waurn Ponds.

April 2017 - Club Members in Maureen Peterson, Jean Wallace & Brian Goudge who each gave a brief and interesting insight into their background life and experiences + Our annual Easter Bonnet Parade.

March 2017 - AGM

February 2017 - No Guest Speaker - Group & Activities Discussion & Workshop.




December 2016 - No Guest Speaker - A Christmas Celebration with Entertainment provided by Andrew Pobjoy.

November 2016 - Melbourne Cup was celebrated with Fashions on the Field.

October 2016 - Mr Rod Morrison - A Rotarian on the Service Committee of Highton Rotary. 

September 2016 - Ms Christine Brooks - Barwon Region Neighbourhood Centres.

August 2016 - Mr Damian Armour - The newly appointed CEO of the Epworth Hospital in Waurn Ponds.

July 2016 -  No Guest Speaker - Our 2nd Birthday Celebration.

June 2016 - Mr Graeme Robin - Jasper and the Population Growth of the World versus the capacity of the World’s Resources.

May 2016 - Mr Ron Medson - The history of International Harvester, and its Geelong Plant.

April 2016 - Ms Pam Jarvis -  Argentine Tango Dancer. 

March 2016 - AGM

February 2016 - Ms Kelly Johnston & Mr Chris Lenahan - A Bendigo Bank presentation on behalf of Geelong Connected Communities.




December 2015 - Ms Michelle Winckle - Hayswinkle Real Estate & Author of 13 Wise Women.

November 2015 - Mr Niall Phillips - Former Jockey & Trainer - + Fashions on the Field.

October 2015 - Mr Don Horsburgh - Puffing Billy.

September 2015 - Mr Doug Sherman - The MG Car Club of Victoria.

August 2015 - Mr Ron Medson - Road Safe Barwon.

July 2015 - No Guest Speaker - Our 1st Birthday Celebration with entertainment by the Rock'n'Roll Dancers.

June 2015 - Mr Keith Roderick - Roderick Insurance Brokers.

May 2015 - Ms Melinda Planken & Ms Kate Officer - Muirfield Financial Services.

April 2015 - Easter Bunny Visit + Our Easter Bonnet Parade.

March 2015 - AGM

February 2015 - Mr Wally Conron - Guide Dogs Victoria & the Labradoole.




December 2014 - No Guest Speaker - A Christmas Celebration with Entertainment by Choir Australia.

November 2014 - Melbourne Cup was celebrated with Fashions on the Field.

October 2014 - Mr Malcolm Imer (Club Member) - My Life as a Diesel Mechanic.

September 2014 - Ms Enid Baker - The Spoken Word.

August 2014 - Ms Margaret Robinson - Rotary District Probus Chairperson (RDCP) for District 9780.

July 2014 - Mr Ian Board - Lara Heritage & Historical Society (Our Foundation Meeting).