Monthly Meetings |
6182604 © Dan Davner | Dreamstime.com | |
The monthly meetings of the Baulkham Hills Ladies Probus Club Inc are held on the second Wednesday of each month, except January, commencing at 10.00am. We meet at at the Baulkham Hills Sports Club, 11 Renown Rd, Baulkham Hills. You are invited to join us at 9.30 to spend time catching up with your friends and perusing the many activities which are on offer for you. |
After the meeting, you are welcome to stay for lunch. Baulkham Hills Sports Club offers $15 lunches for members. Click here to see the menu! The Gallery restaurant is also open, between noon -2.30pm. Members get 10% off the advertised prices. Clicke here to see the Gallery's menu. |
Notes for the Meeting |
Guest Speaker |
Join us at our first meeting back at Baulkham Hills Sports Club, 11 Renown Rd, Baulkham Hills! | Isabelle from Hearing Australia |
Wednesday 14 March |
Come along to have a say in choosing the executive team, who will be managing our club for 2024! Actually, have YOU considering taking on an active role in the club management?? | There is no speaker this week due to our AGM. |
Wednesday 9 April |
Nicholas Gleeson | |
Wednesday 14 May |
Noel Phelan | |
Wednesday 11 June |
David Short | |
Wednesday 9 July |
Preet Chouhan | |
Wednesday 13 August |
Hans Kunnen | |
Wednesday 10 September |
Anne Brooks | |
Wednesday 8 October |
Happy Probus month!! | |
Wednesday 12 November |
Please bring along some items to go in the Christmas Hampers for charity. Click here for some ideas. | Yuval |
Wednesday 10 December |
Please bring along some items to go in the Christmas Hampers for charity. Click here for some ideas. | There is no guest speaker this month. |
2024 Monthly Meeting Dates and Guest Speakers |
Dates |
Any Special Notes |
Guest Speaker |
Wednesday 14 February | Join us at our first meeting back at Baulkham Hills Sports Club, 11 Renown Rd, Baulkham Hills! | Judith Dunn |
Wednesday 13 March | Come along to have a say in choosing the executive team, who will be managing our club for 2024! | No guest speaker due to our AGM being held. |
Wednesday 10 April | Lester Norris | |
Wednesday 8 May | Adam from Price Line Chemists | |
Wednesday 12 June | Jan-Maree Ball | |
Wednesday 10 July | Mark Bundy from Rookwood Cemetery | |
Wednesday 14 August | Sydney Search Dogs | |
Wednesday 11 September | Peter Plowman | |
Wednesday 9 October | Sue Butler | |
Wednesday 13 November | Please bring along some items to go in the Christmas Hampers for charity. Click here for some ideas. | Children's Medical Research Institute: Westmead |
Wednesday 11 December | Please bring along some items to go in the Christmas Hampers for charity. Click here for some ideas. | No guest speaker this month |
2023 Monthly Meetings Dates and Guest Speakers |
Dates |
Any Special Notes |
Guest Speaker |
Wednesday 8 February |
Eric Hiam from Balance Aged Care Specialists-Financial advice as well as Aged Care advice | |
Wednesday 8 March |
No guest speaker due to our AGM being held. |
Wednesday 12 April |
Ian Hemphill | |
Wednesday 10 May |
Payment for our birthday luncheon is due. | Paul Kearney |
Wednesday 14 June |
A representaive from the Macular Degeneration Foundation. | |
Wednesday 12 July |
Money for Christmas in July is due. | Dani and Meg from Stitches Collection |
Wednesday 9 August |
Matt Murphy | |
Wednesday 13 September |
Graham Sims | |
Wednesday 11 October |
Payment for Melbourne Cup Luncheon is due. | David Rosenberg |
Wednesday 8 November |
Please bring along some items to go in the Christmas Hampers for charity. Click here for some ideas. Payment for our Christmas lunch is due. |
Preet Chouhan from Service NSW |
December 13 December |
Please bring along some items to go in the Christmas Hampers for charity. Click here for some ideas. | No guest speaker this month. |