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Saving for your grandchildren

Often, it’s unconditional love when it comes to the grandchildren. So naturally, you want to make sure they’re financially secure. But what’s the best way to go about that? 

Dig out the vinyl

Conjure the memory of the days when records were vinyl and record players were beautiful wooden pieces of art, and hope that you still have that collection, because it could be worth thousands. 

Loyalty programs

With 88 per cent of Australians over the age of 16 members of loyalty programs, it’s clear the Australian public love some get for their give. Here are the top five loyalty programs that it pays to be a member of. 

Interest rate woes for retirees

The recent interest rate cut may be wonderful for some, but what about the self-funded retirees relying on investments? 

How to save money by shopping online

When making a big-ticket purchase it pays to do your research, particularly if it translates to a cheaper deal. Money-saving websites across travel, real estate, car sales and insurance, make comparing prices and products easier than ever. 

How to reduce your credit card debt

If you’re one of Australia’s 7,655,000 credit card holders, who collectively owe a whopping $36 billion, cut your debt with these top tips.


Back to work

Among the many challenges of retiring, one is difficult to find a solution to: what now? Many retirees are returning to the workforce casually and part-time to fill the gap left by work, and doing so in ways that satisfy lifelong passions.

A matter of trust

A testamentary trust may help ensure the assets you leave to your children and grandchildren are protected and used in the way you intend. However, it can be complex to set up and even more demanding for the trustee in years to come.

Sea change

Make the most of your retirement years with a well-deserved sea change. Or head to the hills to enjoy the trees. 


Fixer upper

Always dreamed of having a funky vintage car to call your own? It could be worth thousands of dollars.

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