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The top 5 worst money mistakes seniors make

Not many people enjoy taking care of paperwork and getting their financial house in order, but when retirement takes place and your lifestyle significantly changes, so does your budget. 

The low-down on downsizing

Your home is more than just a financial investment – it’s an important piece of your personal history and full of rich memories. However, selling it may be a great way to unlock your wealth and support your changing lifestyle. Here’s how to get started.


Why you should automate your bills

Automating your bills is one of the easiest ways to get in control of your money. 

4 ways to live well on less

Four years ago, Jody Allen was on maternity leave and looking forward to the birth of her second child.

Dodging a bullet: How to avoid online scams

Clever con artists have left a trail of bankrupt, heartbroken retirees in their wake. 

How to build a retiree-friendly budget

When you stop working, figuring out a new way to budget and take care of your savings can be tricky. Here’s how to get your head around it.

It’s all about going online – you can bank on it

Online banking is an internet-based banking service that makes it easy for you to manage your money without going into a branch. Here’s how to get started. 

Home sweet home

With the rise of house prices in Australia, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for first homebuyers to save for their deposit. Thinking of helping your kids out? Read this first.


Investing in small-cap stocks

Equities are back in favour and investors are hunting for big winners. Small-cap stocks provide an opportunity for stock market investors to hunt out hidden gems overlooked by larger investors.

Sharing cars … with everyone

Don’t find your car is affordable anymore? Driving a lot less? A car sharing subscription may be just what you’re after. 

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