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Venue change

Combined Probus Club of Cooleman members got together for a Club meeting at the Canberra Deakin Football Club.

Historic homestead

A group of members from the Probus Club of Tuggeranong visited the historic homestead of Cuppacumbalong for lunch.


Members go to Mogo

Many members of the Probus Club of Tuggeranong enjoyed a day coach trip to sunny Mogo.


The history of Canberra

Members from Canberra City Ladies Probus Club visited the St John's Schoolhouse Museum, Church and graveyard.

Classic times

Among a few recent activities, the Probus Club of Weston visited the Australian National University (ANU) Classics Museum.

Go Weston

The motto for Probus is Fun, Friendship and Fellowship, quite often accompanied by a fourth “F” word “Food”. 

Christmas celebration

A number of committee members from Probus Clubs of the ACT answered an invitation to join the team from Trade Travel.

Cup day in Canberra

Jamison Probus members celebrated Melbourne Cup Day on the lawns of the Canberra Southern Cross Yacht Club, overlooking Lake Burley Griffin.


Educational outing

Members from Wanniassa Probus Club attended an interesting educational outing to the Recycling Hub in Hume.

Let's GOMA

MacGregor Probus Club’s monthly outing to GOMA, on 12 August, was one of, if not the best in a long time.

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