27 Oct 2020
A few members of Jamison Combined Probus Club recently enjoyed a walk to Shepherd’s Lookout on the western edge of the ACT.
22 Sep 2020
A few members of Conder Lanyon Probus Club set up a morning tea in the place of their monthly meetings during COVID-19 restrictions.
14 Sep 2020
Rekindling an old friendship through Probus is something members Bronwyn H and Suzanne L have come to treasure.
25 Aug 2020
The first Club in Canberra to actually meet since the COVID-19 crisis began, Charnwood-Dunlop Probus Club, had only its second meeting on July 16.
23 Jun 2020
Members of the Greenway Probus Club knitting group known as the Knitwits" received a Certificate of Appreciation from the St Vinnies Night Patrol.
27 Apr 2020
We would love to see some examples of Fun, Friendship and Fellowship in the Australian Capital Territory. Email us now.
24 Mar 2020
Greenway Probus Club held its General Meeting on February 18, 2020, during which three new inductees were welcomed to the Club.
25 Feb 2020
The Greenway Combined Probus Club held its Christmas party at the Chisholm Vikings Club, where a great meal and time was had by all.
28 Jan 2020
Hard hats and hi-vis vests was the dress code when members and friends of the Probus Club of Gungahlin had a very interesting tour of the Capital and Woodlawn Wind Farms.