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Celebrating a remarkable milestone

Recently, members of Jamison Probus Club had the enormous pleasure of celebrating a remarkable milestone that very few have the privilege of witnessing when Jean celebrated her 100th birthday.


A successful Probus booth

Recently, the Lake Tuggeranong Probus Club had a stall at the annual "Southfest" festival in Canberra.


A winter’s tale in Canberra

Many members of the Woden-Weston Creek Probus Club decided that on a wintry day in Canberra, curry is the go-to meal!

Charnwood-Dunlop Probus celebrated their 5th birthday

Members of Charnwood-Dunlop Probus Club recently enjoyed their 5th birthday celebrations.

A successful expo for the Probus Clubs of Canberra and Queanbeyan

The Probus Clubs of Canberra and Queanbeyan recently participated in the COTA Better Ageing Expo.

A delightful trip to country NSW

Members from three Probus Clubs within the ACT joined the Tuggeranong Probus Club on a tour to Lightning Ridge, in country NSW.

Gungahlin Probus continues to thrive

The year is off to a busy start for Gungahlin Probus Club!



We'll soon be holding an interest meeting for the Lyneham Probus Club and are inviting all interested retirees to come along and learn all about it.

Calling all ACT Clubs

Calling all ACT Clubs! Send us your photos.


Murray Magic Border Hopper Tour for Tuggeranong Probus

The Probus Club of Tuggeranong, together with members of several other Probus Clubs within Canberra, set off on the Murray Magic Border Hopper Tour.


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