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Celebrating a remarkable milestone

Recently, members of Jamison Probus Club had the enormous pleasure of celebrating a remarkable milestone that very few have the privilege of witnessing when Jean celebrated her 100th birthday.

Jean has been a member of Jamison Probus Club since August 2007.

She was born in Austria in 1925 and enjoyed her childhood in Europe, but moved to Shanghai, China, during her early high school years.

In 1947, she had left China for Australia where she continued secretarial work in Cooma. It was there that she met her husband shortly after. They had two daughters and then moved to Canberra where Jean had begun working as a legal secretary for many years.

Once retired, Jean decided to get formal qualifications in Family History. After three years of study and an exam, she was accredited to the Australian War Memorial, the National Archives of Australia, and the Noel Butlin Archives Centre at the Australian National University. She researched happily in these and other repositories until two years ago.

We would like to wish Jean many more years of good health and active membership.