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The Craft Group ladies are an energetic, friendly group who welcome members, with like minded passions and the desire for friendship, to come and join with them.



Craft Afternoon 

CRAFT GROUP: Wednesday, 13th November , 2024

The “crafties” gathered together at Barb Morrison’s home to enjoy a “bring a plate” luncheon and bring to a close a wonderful year of craft endeavours. The afternoon very quickly developed into one of fun and laughter generat-ed by the warmth and friendship within the room. 

Roma was enticed to the piano for a few classic carols whilst we indulged in a treat of flyaway cream sponge, rocky road and other delights. 

Our brain-boxes were given a workout by attempting to complete the word teaser games plus the “pass the par-cel” that had us not knowing our left from our right. 

Even if your talent does not lie within the bounds of knitting/crochet etc etc. we welcome all members to join the group purely for the joy of fellowship. 

Thank you to those lovely ladies who opened their homes during the year and/or supplied the delicious selection of afternoon treats. 

A special thankyou to Heather and Lynn for their ongoing organisation on our behalf. You are so valued and ap-preciated.