AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

               PROBUS CLUB of MANDURAH PEEL Inc

                                                                            Reg No - A1019730Z     




                                          Leader: Michele Cornwell

The aim of the Wine and Cheese Gathering Group is fun and fellowship. It is not for any particular wine person but for all. More a tasting to expand our range with everyone’s views accepted and valued.

We try 3 wines and cheeses over about an hour and a half in a safe environment. 

The Gathering takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of each Month from 3:00pm to 4:30pm.

                          SEE CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR DETAILS. 


February 2025

The meeting this month was hosted by Michele providing thirteen members with six wine tastings, copious amounts of cheese, dips, fruit, together with prizes for eight winners of the quiz.

Kerry assisted by displaying all the wines, with a flourish, as they were being poured by Michele.