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            We welcome new members to the Grovedale Marshall Probus Club.   

Visitors are welcome at monthly meetings, but it is appreciated if visitors inform Viv Buchanan, Membership Officer on   0458 288 504 or email her at [email protected] of their intention to attend, to allow for adequate checking-in and seating.

After you have attended three meetings or organised activities as a guest, your completed application form should be handed to the Treasurer and two current financial members will sponsor you for membership to our Club. Your application will then be submitted to the Management Committee for approval.

New members are inducted at a regular monthly meeting, where they are presented with a name badge and their certificate of membership.

Membership Subscriptions

Membership fees were ratified at the last Annual General Meeting and are $45 per annum for existing members and $75 for new members to join (this includes the cost of your badge).

Annual fees are payable in March/April of each year. They can be paid using direct payment (EFT) to:

Grovedale Marshall Probus account. Bendigo Bank. BSB 633 108 Account Number 1560 52813.  Please make sure you put your name and the reason for the payment in the reference field so that the Treasurer can correctly identify the payee and the reason for the payment.

For members joining during the year a pro-rata subscription applies.


Meeting Reminders - Please Remember......

  • To wear your name badge to all Probus meetings and functions.
  • To lodge an apology if you can't attend a meeting.
  • To turn off your mobile phone or put it on silent during meetings.
  • To give your suggestions to a Committee Member.