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The Grovedale Marshall Probus Club 


Guest Speakers 2025



 February 2025                              

Founding President Robert Palmer

Peter Cundall wrote in the forward to the “Save-The-Children Plant Book”, the following tribute to Robert: “Robert Palmer is a well-regarded, widely read and highly acclaimed author holding a strong affinity with the environment. 

We were privileged to hear from Robert about “how the brain works” using several amusing examples how we incorrectly interpret what appears to be “the obvious”. 

The consequences of failing to observe how the brain works are far-reaching and multifaceted.


Guest Speakers 2024



  October 2024                

Cecille Lablache with Verdi  plus

Linda Blaik with Kev

These two amazing totally blind ladies have shown what people with profound disabilities can achieve in their lifetimes.

Linda is an accomplished speaker and advocate for disability awareness, having made presentations as far away as Boston USA. 

Cecille had no opporunity for schooling in her native Seychelles and after much overseas travel, settled in Austrailia and formed her own business. 


  September 2024                

Mr. James Grinter

Port Philip Sea Pilot launch master and coxswain.

His description of the highs and lows plus the hazards and rewards of his profession was very much admired and appreciated. Many members have commented of the bravery and dedication he and his fellow pilots bring to their jobs and feel that the majority of the community have no idea what it means to be a Port Phillip Sea Pilot.  


  July 2024                

Mr. Tony Wright

Lawyer from Bare' Legal

Tony is passionate about passing on his knowledge of Estate and Succession Planning, thus ensuring that a person's estate is passed onto their beneficiaries in the most efficient and tax effective way, thus aiming to minimise the risk of family disputes regarding the distribution of property after death and ensuring any next of kin does not suffer financially.


  June 2024                

Dr. Jack Ayerbe

Vetinerarian and the esteemed founder of Newtown Veterinary Clinic.

Dr. Jack Ayerbe told us of his impressive veterinary career that spans across the globe. His expertise and contributions to the field have earned him recognition as a published author, a well-known radio personality, and a key figure in the development of the groundbreaking anti-cancer drug, Stelfonta. (mast cell tumour treatment for dogs,)


  May 2024                

Mr. John Wickham


John gave us a thoroughly entertaining and informative presentation, plus he brought along a selection of his  incredible models made entirely of wood. These samples of his workmanship were very much admired by the members.



  April 2024                

Kirsty Taylor-Thomson

Managing Director

Nurse Next Door 


Kirsty's presentation helped members to widen their knowledge of the facilities that are available from “Nurse Next Door” who provide aged care and disability support services, enabling the aged to continue to live in their own homes and on their own terms.



  February 2024                

Carole O'Neill


From Birdlife Bellarine Peninsula (Birdlife Australia)

We thanked Carole for widening our knowledge of Bellarine birds and helping us to discover the richness of our local bird communities across the diverse ecosystems of our region.

Her wonderful photos and excellent presentation was very much appreciated.



Guest Speakers 2023



   October 2023                


Lawrence Glynn

Vice President

Grovedale Marshall Probus Club

Lawrence discussed the most recent Victorian road rule changes (and many misunderstood rules) and concluded with a VicRoads knowledge quiz. The members had some fun answering the questions and only 2 questions were marked incorrect. 


   September 2023                


Michelle Winckle and Ron Rounds


Hayeswinckle Real Estate.

We were pleased to welcome guest speakers Michelle Winckle and Ron Rounds from Hayeswinckle Real Estate The subject of their presentation was downsizing/selling your property and included consideration of alternatives to downsizing such as converting to dual occupancy, reverse mortgages and subletting.



   August 2023                


     Francis Trainor

  Andrew Love Cancer                 Centre 


The Andrew Love Cancer Centre has (since 1992) provided state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and highly skilled health professionals who provide personalised treatment and care including Chemotherapy, haematology and radiotherapy services.




   July 2023                


     Gabby Porter-Ryan   and Barbara Richardson

Estia Health Grovedale

The ladies informed us about “What's involved with Aged Care and demystifying the process" plus what was available in the community for those requiring emergency care, short-term respite care, long-term care, dementia care and palliative care.




   June 2023                


      Merv Poyner  

  Grovedale Marshall         Probus Club Trip's   Organiser

Merv gave the members a very interesting presentation including a great collection of photos taken by Carmel Sanderson and Merv, showing the highlights of the recent tour of Tasmania undertaken by many of our members. 




   May 2023                


       Elaine Munro  

    Business owner of        Munro's on Garden

Elaine (with the help of her daughter-in-law Claire) shared her passion for providing vital retail services to the community and engagement with customers on a personal level with their “kindness cards” and Christmas newsletters. Their retail premises are at 78A Garden St, Geelong VIC 3220 



   April 2023                


  Libby Coker MP

 Member of the House of    Representatives since        2019, representing the      Victorian seat of              Corangamite.

Libby described her early days as a high school teacher, where she was awarded the Victorian Government media in education award. Her career then included Mayor of the Surf Coast Shire Council, Cadet journalist at the Geelong Advertiser, Communications consultant and Communications/PR Manager at the Department of Education (Vic.)



   February 2023


Raechell Gleeson

Representing Lifeline Geelong and Southwest Victoria

Raechel Gleeson, the Business Development & Events Lead for Lifeline gave the members a very interesting talk about the important role that Lifeline plays in providing support to those in crisis, plus counselling and education. We were made aware of the significant local presence Lifeline enjoys here in Geelong and Southwest Victoria. 

Guest Speakers 2022




   November 2022



Kristen Howard

Occupational Therapist


Kristen was extremely knowledgable about adaptive and assistive devices to help seniors to remain as self-reliant and independent as possible in their own homes.

This involved determining what daily living aids, gadgets, and durable medical equipment can help in the quest for succesful aging.



   October 2022


Genevieve Cooper

Convener at LG Pro

Social Infrastructure Planning Special Interest Group

Her expert knowledge and active involvement with the planning and construction of the Armstrong Creek Town Centre Library & Community Hub has ensured that this facility will be much appreciated, admired and used by the residents of the ever-growing Armstrong Creek growth area.



   September 2022


Libby Mears.   

CEO of Leisure Networks. Chairperson of the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority and formerly Mayor of the Surf Coast Shire.  


Libby discussed her remarkable career and involvement in helping a diversity of people (e.g. of different ages, cultural backgrounds, genders) feel valued and respected and have access to opportunities and resources.



   August 2022


Garth Wesson

 Representing the Country Fire Authority


For sharing his knowledge and advice on home safety, the main causes of fire in the home and what precautions can be taken to prevent these unfortunate incidents



   June 2022


Acting Sergeant               Isaac Cropley

    Waurn Ponds Police                  Station.


He shared his knowledge and advice of the many areas of concern to senior citizens regarding their safety. 



   May 2022



Dr. Katie Milbourne



Reaching our health goals involves management of our conditions both in the treatment room and in day-to-day life with exercise and advice.



   April 2022



Bernard Kelly



How to live a stimulating and rewarding retirement


Guest Speakers 2021




  August 2021



Lorraine Smith



Research into the origins of a sixteenth century manuscript found in her Warnambool bookshop.



  May 2021



Brigitta Hodgetts



The benefits of “Medi Alarms”.



  April 2021



Eric Faulkner



Stories of the Royal Mail Ship Titanic – The Sinking.


Guest Speakers from prior years



   November 2015


"Life Be In It" Director General Dr. Colin Benjamin

Ben Wright thanking Dr Colin Benjamin for his ‘Life. Be in it’ presentation

See Norm with Geelong Probus members Maureen Zampatti, Robert Palmer and Margaret Robinson. Please click here to read the story in the Geelong Independant