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To view the list of event coordinators, click the "email event coordinator" link and you will be prompted for a password before opening the pdf list.  Then click the appropriate email address to record and send your email. Please contact the web administrator ([email protected]) if you require a reminder of the password.

Special Interest groups available to members include:


Dine Out Group - Food, enjoyable company and great conversation at local restaurants. The Dine Out Group meets for dinner every other month at various local venues. During the warmer months we substitute the lunch for a picnic in the park, normally at the Royal Park native reserve. Day time lunches are also organized (in the month when no evening dinner) at various restaurants aroungd the city.

For more information about this Dine Out Group contact Noelene: email event coordinator 

Coffee Group – Meets every Friday at 10am at the The Brunswick Food Store, 29 Weston Street Brunswick, corner of Weston and Charles Streets Brunswick, entry through Charles Street.

For more information about this group contact Jillemail event coordinator 

Games Group

Meets second and forth Tuesday between 4 - 6pm at the Brunswick East Bocce Association (BEBA), 98-100 Victoria St Brunswick East. A fee of $5 per player each week is charged which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. An Additional annual fee of $25 is paid directly to the Club. We currently play Majong and Rummy but suggestions for other games are welcomed. Engaging in playful activities brings laughter, socialisation, and fun.

For more information about this group contact Marilynemail event coordinator 

Golf - Meets every Thursday at 10am during summer and 1.30PM during the colder months, at Royal Park Golf Club, 11 Poplar Road, Parkville.

For more information about this group contact Tonyemail event coordinator 

Bocce - 

Bocce Group meets on every Thursday between 4 - 6pm Oct - April (during daylight savings) and 3 - 5pm during the the winter months April - Oct at the Brunswick East Bocce Association (BEBA), 98-100 Victoria St Brunswick East. A fee of $5 per player each week is charged.  An Additional annual membership fee of $25 is paid directly to the club. All equipment is provided by the Club. Bocce is a great outdoor activity so come along and have some fun.

For more information about this group contact Mariaemail event coordinator 

The Book Group - This group meets about every 6 weeks at 10 am  on Sunday at the Clyde Hotel, 385 Cardigan Street, Carlton. Stimulating discussion occurs over morning tea. Members take it in turns to host the activity by offering a literary theme for the meeting and taking the responsibility for organising the event. 

For more information about this group contact Neilemail event coordinator 

Outings – Periodic outings to exhibitions or places of interest are organised and advertised well in advance to members via group email. 

For more information about this group contact Julieemail event coordinator 

Facebook - Members only site.

For more information about this group contact Mariaemail event coordinator


Bike Riding  - rides are held on the third Tuesday of the month on local bike paths. One of our aims is to minimise the time spent riding on streets and roads.

We start at Northern Gate, Melbourne Cemetery; 10.00 am, at the corner of McPherson and Wilson Streets, Princes Hill.

The ride will finish by 12.30 pm or before and will include a coffee stop and a couple of short drinks breaks.
The final route will be advised several days prior. People can join or leave along the day’s route.

For more information about this group, contact Kevin Smiley via email - refer to the Probus CG contacts list for his email address. Alternatively, click on the following link – then enter the Probus CG password sent to you previously and a PDF with the contact details of all activity coordinators will open: email event coordinator 



What Is the Program; performances by young classical musicians. See the attached flyer and website

Where ; St Peter’s Church Main Hall, Gisborne St., Eastern Hill / East Melbourne.

Opposite the main Fire Station.

When; The 3rd Monday of each month.

The performance commences at 12.30 pm and runs to 1.30 pm.

Tea / coffee / biscuits available from 11.45 am or you can take your own snack lunch to have before the performance. The Hall opens at 11.30 am.

The Cost; $20- per person, payable at the door OR via Trybooking on the website

For more information about this group contact Maggie::email event coordinator 

Football Tipping – Test your footy knowledge by joining the AFL footy tipping competition.

For more information contact Ericemail event coordinator 



Summer Excursion - Once a year a summer excursion is organized for members. It usually involves a trip to a holiday destination in the state, often for about 5 or 6 nights away.

 For more information contact Philipemail event coordinator