AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287



Membership of the Club is open to everyone who is retired or semi-retired. Members are required to pay a one- off joining fee of $20 and to renew their membership annually by payment of a membership fee.

To apply to join the Club, please print and complete the application form: Application Form and email to: [email protected]. This will be passed to our Membership Secretary Clare who will be in contact shortly. Or for more information please contact the club: [email protected]


We do consider that it’s important for all Members to be active with our programs and roles.

Two sections of our Application Form state :

  • I agree to be bound by the provisions of the Club's constitution, by-laws and/or standing resolutions and agree to take an active ole in the Club through my attendance and participation.
  • I acknowledge that at some time during my membership, I may be called upon to take an active role on the Management Committee.


Annual Fees: Members are required to pay an annual membership fee which is payable by April 1, of each year. All fees are reviewed annually for the upcoming operating year, which runs from April 1 to March 31. The 2025/26 membership is currently set at $55.

Fees can be paid directly to the Treasurer at the monthly meeting or by direct deposit to our bank Account. Click here for banking details: Banking Details


Click here to see our Constitution: Constitution and here for Standing Resolutions/Bylaws: Bylaws

You will find the club's Certificate of Insurance here: Insurance and the Certificate of Incorporation her: Incorporation