AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


Our Origins

The Probus Club of Carlingford Inc. came into being as a male only club on 4 October 1983 with ten members, sponsored by Carlingford Rotary Club, and since then has grown into a group of like-minded people who enjoy nothing better than to meet once a month, hear an interesting speaker, chin-wag over a cuppa and attend a monthly outing, of which more later. In May 2024 we amalgamated with the Carlingford Ladies Probus Club Inc. and now have over 70 members. New members are always welcome.

 Our Meetings

Meetings are held at West Pennant Hills Sports Club, 103 New Line Road, WestPennant Hills at 10.15 am on the second Tuesday of the month (except January).  Meetings begin with a guest speaker expounding on a subject of significance. We aim to cater for all interests so our guest speakers cover a range of topics. Past presenters have included authors, social historians, representatives from organisations such as the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Maritime Museum, hobbyists,  horticulturalists, community service spokespersons, lawyers, medical professionals and researchers. The presentations are interesting and entertaining, and always include time for questions followed by a leisurely morning tea, and then a short and informal business meeting. This usually includes reports on the Club’s activities, what is happening in the wider Probus world, and a member’s contribution of an anecdote of their choosing.


Once a month, with January again being excepted, an enjoyable outing is arranged by our Outings Committee, and the list of forthcoming events can be found elsewhere on this website. These are generally one-day trips to a place of interest or a convivial lunch, but in March each year we have a coach outing of several days duration to a regional locality in NSW, where we base ourselves and tour the surrounding districts.

We have also established special activities such as lunches, coffee and morning tea groups, a walking group, a book club, golf, bowls, and a family history group..


We charge a joining fee of $10, after which annual membership is currently $45 plus an optional cost for morning teas through the year. These subscription charges are pro-rated depending upon the date of joining.

A digital copy of the Probus magazine Active Retirees is provided free every second month.


You are warmly invited to come along to one of our monthly meetings as a guest and get a taste of what our Club has to offer. The Probus motto is “friendship, fellowship and fun”, and we believe we can satisfy all your needs in this regard. You will enjoy

  • listening to captivating speakers.
  • learning about new interests to keep your mind and body healthy and active.
  • meeting fellow retirees over lunch.
  • developing creative opportunities for friendship, fellowship and fun.​  
  • travelling on one of our outings  or bus trips.

Contact any of the Committee and Officers listed on the website, or simply turn up at the door.