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Important documents that are all contained in the Members' Handbook.

All Probus Clubs have autonomy to cater for their member's needs within the broad framework of their Constitution and their Standing Resolutions.

The following headings are links to our Club's five key policy documents. Members should ensure that they have the latest version of each one in their handbook.


Adopted in July 2013.   This is the recommended Probus South Pacific Limited (PSPL) model constitution for all Incorporated Probus Clubs in Victoria.   It will stand until the next major review is conducted by PSPL during which all Probus Clubs will have the opportunity to provide input before PSPL recommends any amemdments.

Generally, amendments to the constitution can only be made by PSPL, but a Club can make amendments if:

  • Pre-approval is given by PSPL before the amendment is submitted to members and also to Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV).
  • Club members are given at least 21 days notice before the general meeting at which voting will take place.
  • A quorum is present (25% of members but not less than 10 members) at the general meeting and the amendment must get the approval of at least 75% of the members present at the meeting.
  • The amendment is accepted by CAV and complies with the requirements of the Associations Incorporated Reform Act 2012

All amendments to the constitution, including those recommended by PSPL, incur a fee which must be paid to CAV.

Standing Resolutions 

Updated in March 2023.  These are guidelines for the management of the club in accordance with the wishes of the members.  They can be amended at any General Meeting, a quorum being present, with approval from at least 50% of those present.   Our Club recommends that all proposed amendments are presented to the committee beforehand.

No standing resolution can be in conflict with any part of the constitution.

Risk Management Policy 

Updated in November 2018 and again in July 2023 after an extensive review of the existing document involving the Management Committee, the Risk Management Sub-committee and all members.   Although it is not compulsory for Probus Clubs to have a Risk Management Policy it is recommended by PSPL.

Bereavement Policy 

Updated by the Committee in March 2014 and again in March 2023.   This is the official Club response to the sad loss of a member.   Individual members are still free to pay their respects in their own particular way.

Membership Waiting List Policy 

Updated in March 2016

Please note that that the Membership Waiting List Policy does not apply at the present time.  Currently the total membership of the Club is below the membership ceiling so a waiting list does not exist.  Therefore prospective members may request a membership application form after attending two meetings as a guest or observer.