Our Club was launched by the Highton Kardinia Rotary Club.
The Foundation meeting was held on Thursday, 2nd November, 2006 with 75 prospective members in attendance. 72 members completed the paperwork and were inducted as Foundation Members.
Our first General Meeting was held on Thursday, 7th December, 2006 and 17 more members were inducted as Foundation Members.
Major Achievements and Highlights
Club Banner developed in 2007 (See Welcome Page) and upgraded in 2019
Comprehensive Members' Handbook first compiled in 2007. (See later section of this website)
Hosted the Geelong Information Day in May 2008 for 60 Probus Clubs in the Greater Geelong area.
Produced an outstanding Club Quilt in 2010 depicting many of our Club's activities. (See Welcome Page)
Jointly hosted the annual District Conference in October 2010. View Certificate of Appreciation here
The First 10 Years Publication

This booklet was launched at the 10th Birthday Celebrations of our Club in November 2016. Copies of this booklet are still available at a cost of $15.
Important Club Documents of an Historical Nature