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Watch Caylie Jeffrey's talk about her real life detective story here.  (Lasts 40 minutes)


Arising out of the February 2022 General Meeting

Bob's Talk on his Involvement  With the 2/6 Regiment Association

The Powerpoint Presentation

The Regiment Association Website

The Book 'To the Green Fields of Kastina'.  

PLC Student piper playing 'Amazing Grace'.

Back copies of the Association's Cav News


Arising out of the December 2021 General Meeting

Video  to commemorate our Club's 15th Birthday

The Christmas Quiz video

The Darwin Pearlers singing the Probus Song


Arising out of the April 2021 General Meeting

Humans in Geelong Website.   Keep scrolling down to read many stories that are on this website.

The Dance Video which was shown during the meeting.  


Arising out of the February 2020 General Meeting

Arising out of the October 2019 General Meeting

Arising out of the September 2019 General Meeting:

Read about the great presentation by our Vice President in the October Newsletter.  

Read more about the 'Dogs in the Classroom' at the following links:

General Meetings in General

Like most Probus Clubs our monthly General Meetings follow a consistent format consisting of three main parts:

  1. The business part which can be punctuated with items of interest or entertainment to provide some light relief
  2. The fellowship break usually lasting about 30 minutes
  3. The Guest Speaker

Many General meetings have a special theme with appropriate special items.  eg. November 2018 had a Remembrance theme to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War 1.  

Our Club is really fortunate to have the facility of an overhead projector with a large drop down screen which really does enhance many aspects of our meetings.

The Business Part

This generally follows a set pattern as follows:

  1. Meeting opens and members sing the National Anthem
  2. Welcome to all members and any guests
  3. Member Milestones - Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, meetings attended (50, 100)
  4. Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting which have been published in the previous newsletter
  5. Correspondence
  6. Treasurer's Report
  7. Attendance Report
  8. Management Committee matters
  9. Activity Reports
  10. Interest and Entertainment items which may include jokes, birthday draw, door prize, an occasional quiz with prizes, 5 minute talks

The Fellowship Break

Traditionally this has been approximately 30 minutes which enables members to:

  1. Enjoy a chat, a cuppa and some nice nibbles
  2. Sign up and pay for the many Club activities and outings that are on offer
  3. Check out the Trading Table
  4. Watch some of the images of the last month's activities on the big screen

Guest Speakers

Over the years our Guest Speaker Officers have ensured that we have had the opportuity to listen to many wonderful guest speakers on a wide range of topics. Several of our own members have also been Guest Speakers.

The range of topics has included health and safety issues for seniors, community issues, leisure activities, comedy, local history, national and world history, travel opportunities and charity.

On a few occasions an alternative program has been organised instead of having a guest speaker.  Examples of an alternative program:

  1. A debate.  Topics have been "Were the good old days really that good?" and "Are women better shoppers than men?"
  2. A trivia quiz
  3. Special exhibition with items brought from home and members talking about their items