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Riding the rails

As Puffing Bully chuffed through the Dandenong Ranges, smoke puffing and whistle blowing, Heathmont Ladies Probus enjoyed a delightful lunch in a very comfortable dining car.

Turning 25

On Tuesday, July 24, 2018, the Rutherglen Probus Club celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Dromana Valley Probus Club celebrate their 18th birthday

Dromana Valley Probus Club celebrate their 18th birthday.

Cluster meeting at Duart Homestead Maffra

Rotary District Chair Jean Mawhinney conducts a Cluster meeting at Duart Homestead Maffra.

Wonderful Mystery Tour

Combined Probus Club of Beaconsfield members enjoy a wonderful Mystery Tour.


300th Meeting

Goulburn Valley Probus Club Shepparton's 300th Meeting.

Ashburton Probians aboard the ferry “Blackbird”

Ashburton Probians aboard the ferry “Blackbird".

Happy 25th!

Over 100 members and guests gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary meeting of the Mont Albert Probus Club with a lunch at the Box Hill Golf Club.

Rochester Probus Bowls Day

Rochester Probus Bowls Day.

On a sunny Autumn day

Maffra Combined Probus Club day trip to Dargo.

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