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Combined Probus Club of Eden Hills 20th Anniversary

Combined Probus Club of Eden Hills 20th Anniversary.

Mitcham Hills Combined Probus Club AGM

Mitcham Hills Combined Probus Club AGM.

Members entertained at Probus meeting with the “re-committal ceremony”

Barossa and Districts Combined Probus Club members were entertained at the Probus meeting with the “re-committal ceremony” of two members.

A reason to celebrate

Members of the Combined Probus Club of Barossa and Districts were entertained at their last meeting with the ‘re-committal ceremony’ of Tony and Ardyce Hughes. 

A wonderful coffee morning

Payneham Probus Club members enjoy a wonderful coffee morning.

Probus Information Days in South Australia

Probus Information Days in South Australia.

A visit to Cummins House

The Airport Probus Club recently made a trip to Cummins House in South Australia. 

St. Agnes Probus Club members enjoy lunch at Yankalilla Hotel

St. Agnes Probus Club members enjoy lunch at Yankalilla Hotel.

Ladies Probus Club of Modbury celebrate 32nd Anniversary

Ladies Probus Club of Modbury celebrate 32nd Anniversary.

A South Coast excursion

Members the Probus Club of St Agnes enjoyed a trip to the South Coast last October. Along the way they visited the Mt Jagged Cheese Factory. A wonderful time was had by all. 

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