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A location combined with determination

A location combined with determination.

Payneham Probus Club Visits Regency Park TAFE

Payneham Probus Club Visits Regency Park TAFE.

Discovering Langhorne Creek

The Ladies Probus Club of Strathalbyn members enjoyed an outing discovering the history of Langhorne Creek. Our trip included a visit to the site of the Belvidere (Primitive) Methodist Church erected in 1860, the Pioneers’ plaque and the privately owned former Angas Plains School 1861-1947. 

Mount Gambier milestone

Mount Gambier Ladies Probus Club held its 30th Birthday lunch recently.

Coffee and quoits

The Payneham Probus Probus Club’s usual coffee morning was spent at Lochiel Park, a wonderful setting for a picnic and enjoyed by all. The group brought their food and drink along with a lot of laughs and chatter. 

Probus Club of Tea Tree Gully Mystery Tour

Probus Club of Tea Tree Gully Mystery Tour.

Touring The Royal Flying Doctor Service

Probus Club of Marion tour The Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Membership honours

At the recent AGM of the Hallett Cove Probus Club, Life Membership was conferred by President, Van Kennewell, on Robyn Harding.

35th Birthday celebration for Payneham Probus Club

The Payneham Probus Club celebrated its 35th birthday celebration.  

Visit to the local Country Fire Service Station

Members of the Noarlunga Combined visited their local Country Fire Service Station at Morphett Vale.

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