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Indooroopilly Probus Conducts Australia Day 2020 Citizenship Ceremony

Indooroopilly Probus Conducts Australia Day 2020 Citizenship Ceremony.

Kingaroy Probus Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary

Kingaroy Probus Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary

Rose City Warwick's Goondiwindi Bus Trip

Rose City Warwick's Goondiwindi Bus Trip

An Aussie Thanksgiving

Over the years, Sanctuary Cove Probus Club has celebrated St Patrick’s Day (twice), Bastille Day (twice), Italian Day (once) and Melbourne Cup Day (at last count, five times). In November 2019, they moved on to celebrating Thanksgiving Day.

Wellington Point Celebrates 1st Birthday

Wellington Point Celebrates 1st Birthday.

Visiting the Governor

Wavell Probians boarded their coach for an adventurous day out exploring areas of Brisbane that they do not usually visit, especially the Government House.

Buderim East Probus' 7 night cruise on the Pacific Aria

Buderim East Probus' 7 night cruise on the Pacific Aria.

Sorrento Probus Melbourne Cup Activity

Sorrento Probus Melbourne Cup Activity.

Gympie-Widgee 30th Birthday Celebrations

Gympie-Widgee 30th Birthday Celebrations.

Wonderful Whitsundays

Excitement was in the air on Monday morning of August 26 when 30 members of Thuringowa Combined Probus Club eagerly awaited the arrival of their coach and driver, Kevin. 

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