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Rolleston Central Probus tour a private garden

Rolleston Central Probus Club recently visited “The Rusty Acre”, a private garden north of Christchurch.

Newmarket Probus dining out together

Many great adventures happened recently among the various dining out groups at Newmarket Probus Club.

A lovely outing to Angrason Gardens

Manurewa Ladies Probus Club drove southwest, over rolling green countryside, until they reached the Angrason Gardens in Pollock.

Boulcott Probus celebrate a 102nd birthday

Boulcott Probus believe that they have the oldest active Probus member in New Zealand, if not the world.

A trip to the Coromandel Forest Park

The intrepid explorers from the Howick East Combined Probus Club set out on a trip to the Coromandel Forest Park where the skies opened to a beautiful warm sunny day.

Still going strong after fourteen years

The Hassle Free Cooking group at Wellington Combined Probus Club have been meeting for fourteen years, still with several founding members.

A successful expo for Rolleston Central

Rolleston Central Probus Club recently managed a booth at the SWELL Expo, where there was information on health, fitness, travel, crafts and history.

Newmarket Probus visit Pah Homestead

Newmarket Probus Club recently enjoyed a visit to Pah Homestead, a historic home that is currently used as an art gallery.

A visit to the Ravenscar House Museum

The Rolleston Central Probus Club enjoyed a visit to the Ravenscar House Museum in the central city.

A wonderful trip to the museum

A whole bus load of members from Newmarket Probus Club enjoyed a wonderful trip to the Helensville Museum recently.

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