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Club News: Probus Club of Kapiti Coast

At the June meeting of the Probus Club of Kapiti Coast,  President Pam Bowering presented Life Membership Certificates to Richard Chilton and Gill Graham.

Club News: Trafalgar Probus Club of Nelson

President Margie Silich chairs her first meeting of Trafalgar Probus Club of Nelson. This was a winter picnic on June 10th at Rabbit Island on a glorious Nelson Day.

Newly formed Paeroa Probus Club

Newly formed Paeroa Probus Club. 

Hutt Probus gets Creative During Lockdown!

Hutt Probus gets Creative During Lockdown!

Kaiapoi Trip to Molesworth Station

Kaiapoi Trip to Molesworth Station.

Howick East Combined' Wine Appreciation Group

Howick East Combined' Wine Appreciation Group

Kaiapoi Probus Picnic

Kaiapoi Probus Picnic.

Manurewa Ladies General Meeting

Manurewa Ladies General Meeting.

Papatoetoe Probus' train and bus trip

Papatoetoe Probus' train and bus trip.

Papakura Central Ladies 25th Anniversary

Papakura Central Ladies 25th Anniversary.

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