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Life members two and three

The second and third life members of Henderson Ladies Probus Club were appointed at the club’s Annual General Meeting in March 2012.

Wedding days

Inspired by an exhibition of wedding dresses at The National Museum, Te Papa Waterloo Probus Club mounted its own display of wedding dresses, going-away outfits and wedding memorabilia. 


Double decade

The oldest club of its kind in the Hutt Valley, the Stokes Valley Probus Club celebrated reaching its double decade milestone birthday recently. 

Happy 25th

Ashburton Ladies Probus Club celebrates 25 glorious years with Probus at the Special AGM.  

Overlander Trail

The Vision Probus Club in Tauranga recently visited the National Park in the Overlander train. 

Congratulations Colin!

Colin Ross unanimously receives Life Membership of the Waimakariri Combined Probus Club. 

A casual stroll along the Liffey Stream

The Out & About group of Rolleston Central Probus Club enjoyed a leisurely stroll along the Liffey Stream at Lincoln for their February outing.


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