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Happy Snaps from Howick East Combined Probus Club

Happy Snaps from Howick East Combined Probus Club.

Kapiti Island Trip

Probus Club of Kapiti Coast members enjoy a Kapiti Island Trip.

Hornby Combined Probus Club 5th Birthday

Hornby Combined Probus Club 5th Birthday.

A Golden Wedding of 2 members of the Blenheim Probus Club

A Golden Wedding of 2 members of the Blenheim Probus Club.

Hornby Probus Committee outing

Hornby Probus Club Committee enjoyed an outing to Diamond Harbour.

Hokitika Combined Probus Club Day Trip

Hokitika Combined Probus Club Day Trip.

Nelson-Marlborough area Probus gathering

On 20 October, Motueka Rotarian and member of D9970 Probus Committee Euan Grant, convened an area meeting of representatives of active Probus Clubs in the Nelson - Marlborough region of New Zealand’s South Island.

A keen group of Gardeners

A keen group of Gardeners at Probus Club of Kapiti Coast Inc.

West Hamilton Probus celebrate 10th Anniversary

West Hamilton Probus Club celebrate 10th Anniversary.

Morrinsville Probus 10th Birthday celebrations

Morrinsville Probus 10th Birthday celebrations.

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