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Seniors Expo

The four ‘Top End’ Probus Clubs – Darwin, Palmerston, Charles Darwin and Marrara – provided a joint stall at the recent Seniors Expo in Darwin.

Dining out

Members of the Probus Club of Marrara recently enjoyed a fabulous day dining out at Medee Eatery at Fannie Bay.


Culture and cuisine

Palmerston Probus Club travelled into Darwin recently for a day of culture and fine cuisine.  The destination was the Darwin Museum and Art Gallery and the charming Saltwater Café.


Crafty characters

Every Friday, members of the Probus Club of Marrara Inc get together for a craft group at Casuarina Sports Club.

Bringing Darwin to life

Last month, Probus Club of Charles Darwin members were privileged to have a really well-known speaker, Robyn Burridge, who managed to bring old Darwin to life.


First of the year

The Probus Club of Charles Darwin’s first meeting of the New Year was highlighted by the induction of its two newest members and a travel discourse of travelling overseas for a month with 9kg of luggage – including quite a number of countries.


Ed knows jack!

The Darwin Probus Club’s Garden Club had its Christmas Party at the Trailer Boat Club and some members got into the spirit by dressing up.


Pearl of wisdom

It was a great idea for the Probus Club of Darwin and friends to celebrate Probus Day with morning tea at the Pearl Leisure Centre.


A decade of Probus

During Probus Month each year Palmerston Probus Club celebrates its anniversary, but this year was special: the 10th Anniversary.


Garden gathering

The Probus Club of Darwin’s Garden Club enjoyed a wonderful morning at the home of Jenny Parish, with 25 garden lovers in attendance to enjoy and wander around her beautiful garden.


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