15 Dec 2014
A big congratulations to the Singleton Men's Probus Club, which has just turned 30. The birthday cake was cut by foundation and life member 96-year-old Bill Burke, pictured here with President John Flannery.
07 Nov 2014
The ladies from the club in Bangor enjoyed creating a number of beautiful hats, inspired by a trip to the gardens at Floriade while on a tour of Canberra in September.
14 Feb 2014
Members from the Queanbeyan Probus Club recently walked through the Redwood Tree Forrest near Canberra Airport.
31 Jan 2014
Gold Creek Probus Club held a combined celebration for the club’s 16th anniversary and Canberra’s Centenary.
29 Jan 2014
Two Canberrans and Probians have been justly rewarded for the remarkeable job they have done in the past.
29 Nov 2013
A group from several Canberra Probus Clubs recently joined together to enjoy a wonderful tour of Goulburn and surrounds, organised by the Probus Club of Gungahlin.
29 Nov 2013
Greenway members whose birthdays fall in September helped celebrate the Probus club's sixth birthday.
26 Nov 2013
Members of the Deakin Combined Probus Club recently celebrated three members’ 90th birthdays.
20 Mar 2013
The Ladies Probus Club of Majura celebrated Melbourne Cup Day in style and spent a morning cruising Lake Burley Griffin. It was all part of their 2012 adventures.