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Mahjong group from the Ladies Probus Club of Majura

Mahjong group from the Ladies Probus Club of Majura.

Birthdays on the shore

The Mahjong group from the Ladies' Probus Club of Majura celebrated the birthday of two members at the Brasserie at the Foreshore on the Kingston foreshore.

See what the ACT Probus Clubs have been up to

See what the ACT Probus Clubs have been up to.

A Gippsland adventure

Members of the Macquarie Probus Club had a lovely time on a recent trip to Gippsland.

Ladies Probus Club of Majura AGM

Ladies Probus Club of Majura AGM.

A lifetime of fellowship

At the Ladies’ Probus Club of Majura’s last AGM, Thalia Lowe was awarded life membership by fellow life member Betty Latham. 


Canberra Seniors Expo

Canberra Seniors Expo.

Ladies Probus Club of Majura celebrate birthdays

Ladies Probus Club of Majura celebrate birthdays.

A playful bunch

The Mahjong sub-group of the Ladies Probus Club of Majura celebrates birthdays on the second Sunday of each month. 

A Chinese New Year

Members of the Probus Club of Tuggeranong enjoyed Peter Cheng's annual talk on the Chinese New year.  

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