AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

A Chinese New Year

Members of the Probus Club of Tuggeranong enjoyed Peter Cheng's annual talk on the Chinese New year.  

25th Birthday Celebrations

Tuggeranong Probus Clubs 25th Birthday Celebrations.

Majura Ladies Probus Breakfast Club

Majura Ladies Probus Breakfast Club.

Greenway Knitwits Christmas party

Greenway Knitwits Christmas party.

Ladies Probus Club of Majura Melbourne Cup lunch

Ladies Probus Club of Majura Melbourne Cup lunch.

Jamison Probus Club Walking Group

Jamison Probus Club Walking Group.

Just keep walkin’

Members of the Jamison Combined Probus Club Inc enjoy regular walks out together.

Jamison Probus Club Walking Group

 Jamison Probus Club Walking Group.

Majura ladies at Melbourne Cup

Twenty-five members of the Majura Ladies Probus Club Inc attended the Melbourne Cup function at Yowani Country Club on 1 November. 

Jamison Canberra enjoys the great outdoors

The Walking Group of Jamison Canberra enjoy regular adventures out and about together. Here they are enjoying the capital’s glorious weather and golden wattle on a recent outing.

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