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Book club is the third Wednesday of each month.  This is held in members homes.  Not only is the book discussed, but delicious morning tea and good catch up is enjoyed.  This has become a real social occasion Each month, a member selects a book to read, and at the next meeting, the book is discussed and given a score out of 5.

Croquet club: is held every Friday morning. This is much fun and as we have discovered, is a very strategic game, which requires some skill. We welcome new members to come along.  

Diners club.  Every month members go to a luncheon or dinner at various venues.  Mainly we try to keep within the Hawkesbury or surrounding areas. This is always well attended.   We nominate a dinners champion who organises these lunches and dinners.  This is a great way to visit different  venues in the  Hawkesbury or surrounding areas.  

Coffee club:  The 3rd Monday of each month.  This is a great chance to talk and catch up.

Doco. club:  Meet the first Monday of every month. 

Walking club. Members meet monthly at Ham Common. After our walk we stop have have coffee and a catch up.

Monthly Guest Speaker :  Our guest speaker champion,  does a wonderful job in ensuring  that we have very interesting guest speakers coming to speak to members after our monthly meetings.