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2025 Committee Members


The Committee was elected at the AGM 27 February 2025.  


President :  Greg Cochrane 0418 109 809     [email protected]

Past President:  Merry Canavan 

Vice President:  Vicki  Porter   0418 811 460, Charlotte Dyer 0412 292 366

Secretary:     Shauna Allen  0424 326 572 [email protected]

Treasurer:    Di Nixon 0498 572 827 [email protected]

Membership:  Gayle Thomas

Outings:   Dave Thomas, Maureen Carman

Guest Speakers:Julie Souman 0412 894 170 [email protected]

Newsletter:    Gayle Matthew 0416 976 722 [email protected]

Publicity:  Greg Cochrane 0418 109 809    [email protected]

Hospitality:   Anne Garvie, Marilyn Skurray

Celebration & Welfare:  whole committee

Webmaster:     Phil Hewitt

Public Officer:   Lorraine Ellen  


Instructions for Members wishing to Nominate.

Even though the preferred nomination date has past we are still calling for nominations. Please return forms to the Shauna Allen, Secretary as soon as possible.

Here is the Nomination Form: Nomination_Form_2025

PLEASE NOTE: Nominations remain open until the AGM.  Please ignore the date on this Form.


The following descriptions or roles and responsibilities is a download of the Probus Handbook 2023.  Please note that some descriptions vary in our Club, so please ask the President, Secretary, or the person currently in the role.  Thank you.













2024 Committee Members

President :  Merry Canavan 

Past President:  Vicki  Porter   

Vice President:  Greg Cochrane

Secretary:     Shauna Allen  

Treasurer:    Di Nixon 

Membership:  Cathy Farquhar

Outings:  Louise Chapman 

Guest Speakers:Julie Souman

Newsletter:    Gayle Matthews 

Publicity: Greg Cochrane 

Hospitality:  Anne Garvie 

Hospitality support: Vivienne Tucker

Celebration & Welfare:  whole committee

Public Officer:  Lorraine Ellen  

Webmaster:    Phil Hewitt 


2023 Committee Members

To be elected at our AGM in March 2022.

President :  Vicki  Porter   

Vice President:  Merry Canavan 

Secretary:    Pat Grantham 

Backup Secretary Lorraine Ellen 

Treasurer:   Greg Cochrane       

Membership:  Cathy Farquhar 

Publicity: Merry Canavan

Outings:  Louise Chapman 

Backup Kathy Knight 

Newsletter:   Gayle Matthews 

Guest Speakers:  Julie Souman 

Backup Kathy Knight 

Hospitality:  Pam Walters  

Backup Barb Nugent  & Margaret Tamlin 

Celebration & Welfare:  vacant

Public Officer:  Lorraine Ellen  

Webmaster:    Phil Hewitt 


2022 Committee Members

To be elected at our AGM in March 2022.

President :  Phill Johansen 

Vice President:  Vicki  Porter  

Secretary:    Phil Hewitt 

Treasurer:   Charlotte Dyer                

Membership:  Charlotte Dyer, Yvonne Learmonth, Lorraine Ellen 

Outings/Activities:  Vicki Porter  (Grant Higgins) 

Speakers:  Merry Canavan, Kathy Knight 

Newsletter:   Grant Higgins  

Hospitality:  Pam Walters , Barb Nugent, Margaret Tamlin

Celebration & Welfare:  Anne Kelly 

Public Officer:  Lorraine Ellen  

Webmaster:    Phil Hewitt


2021 Committee Members

President :  Phill Johansen

Vice President:  Vicki  Porter   

Secretary:    Phil Hewitt

Treasurer:   Charlotte Dyer                  

Membership:  Lorraine Ellen 

Outings/Activities:  Vicki Porter (Grant Higgins)  

Speakers:  Gloria Donnelly  (Joan Cuming)

Newsletter:   Grant Higgins  

Hospitality:  Pam Walters , Sue Cummings, Barb Nugent, Margaret Hamlin

Welfare:  Yvonne Learmonth, Desley Watson-Raston

Public Officer:  Lorraine Ellen  


2020 Committee Members

President: Justin O'Halloran

Vice President: Barbara O'Halloran 

Secretary: Lorraine Ellen, assistant Yvonne Learmonth 

Treasurer: Peter Loveday (to establish the Club), Charlotte Dyer

Membership:  Desley Watson-Raston, Lorraine Ellen

Outings/Activities: Lorraine Ellen, Vicki Porter, Kevin Newport 

Speakers: Joan Cuming 

Newsletter: Lorraine Ellen, Pete Loveday 

Hospitality: Pam Waters, Barb Nugent

Welfare: Lorraine Ellen

Public Officer: Lorraine Ellen