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Seacliff Probus Club established 27th February 2020


*NOTE: This Club has a Waiting List for new Members.*

Our first meeting was held on 27th February 2020 to see if there was support for a Probus Club in Seacliff. It was evident a Combined Club (for women and men) was needed so people at the meeting were elected as Officer Bearers to the Inaugrial Management Committee.  The Club was registered and incorporated; those who attended that first meeting are Foundation Members.

As a Probus Club our objectives are to have Fun and Friendship in Retirement.

We offer fun, friendship and fellowship through the following:

 * Monthly Organised Outings & Activities that are usually on 1st Thursday of each month (for the program, see our Monthly Organised Outings & Activities page)

* General Meetings on 4th Thursday of each month (for past meetings, see our General Meeting Minutes page)

* Interest Groups that meet when those in the group wish (for information about these groups see our Interest Groups page & the individual group sub-pages)

* Our monthly Newsletter (our past Newsletters are in our Newsletter page)

* Probus Certificate, badge, booklet and other benefits (see PSPL website)

* Our Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month (our Committee details are in Committee Members page).

If you are looking for new friends and experiences, then come along as a guest and experience an enjoyable morning. When space is available, we would like you to be a part of our journey.


Thinking of Coming Along?

If you would like to try us, we ask that you contact one of the people below so we can look out for you and be ready to welcome you as a Guest to our meeting.

Please contact and President, Vice President, or Membership Officer. Please see the Committee Members page for details.


General Meeting Arrangements

We meet upstairs at the Seacliff Brighton Yacht Club, 246 Esplanade, Seacliff, SA 5049. Our General Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month.  Meetings start at 10am with most Members arriving 10-15 minutes before.

When people arrive at a General Meeting our Membership Officer will be at a table near the entrance and take your details (name, phone & email - these are mandatory requirements for insurance and if we need to contact you) and give you a name badge before asking someone to introduce you to Members as we mingle before the meeting starts.

All Members, Visitors and Guests wear name badges so it’s easy to learn and remember names.

Our General Meeting is 2 hours long with about 30-40 minutes of Agenda items, then 20-30 minutes for morning tea, which is followed by a Guest Speaker for 1 hour.

At the General Meeting we invite Members, Visitors and Guests to stay for lunch. If you decide to stay for lunch you pay after the meeting. Lunch usually takes about 2-3 hours. 


What Happens if You Can't Decide About Us?

If you need more than one meeting to decide to join us, you are welcome to come along with up to 3 visits at no cost as a Guest.  You can become a Member sooner as this does not affect the amount you will pay or when your next annual subscription will be due (March 30th each year).

After 3 visits Probus South Pacific Limited (PSPL) require you to decide whether to join, or not.  The General Meetings are free with Outings & Activities charged at cost. 

The 3 visits (should you need that many to decide) includes any Outings & Activities, but you will need to pay the individual event cost and subject to vacancy after all Members registering.

The Newsletter, Meeting Schedule and Minutes have a lot more about us so take a look at those webpages.

We are certain you will find some likeminded Members and enjoy being with us.


***NOTE: This Club now has a Waiting List to become a Member.***

At the Committee Meeting held 21st November 2024 our Committee resolved to limit the Seacliff Probus Club membership to 85 Members so that numbers do not exclude us from patron limits at excursion venues.  It also allows as many Members as possible to attend these excursions.


Application Procedure

If you would like to join us you must live in postcode areas 5048 and 5049 and let the Membership Officer know you'd like to be a Member.  They will record some basic information and place you on the wait list in date order.  This does not prevent you from joining other Clubs.  You may be a Member of several Clubs at once.  Each will require Annual Fees.

When Membership falls under 85 we will contact those people longest on the waiting list and offer you an opportunity to complete an Application Form.  

The Application Form contains PSPL rules, which, among other things require all Members to actively take part in meetings and be willing, from time to time, to be part of the Committee.  This is important for the longevity of the Club and social life of Members.  Committee Members have annual appointment only, as well as limits to how many years they can hold a position.  These limits are short encouraging dynamic leadership.  Please read all the Rules carefully before signing the Application Form.

Your application will then be considered by the Committe (or it's delegate) and you will be advised of the outcome. 

This Club only uses electronic transactions, either online, or by card at meetings. In 2025, the Membership cost is a once off Membership Administration Fee of $40 and a $75 Annual Fee (ie at joining $115). All fees must be paid before due date or you risk losing your membership. 


Members of Other Clubs

We love to meet Members from other Clubs and we encourage you to Visit us if you're in our neighbourhood.  We meet right next to the Brighton Caravan Park so if your staying there its a 2 minute walk to our meeting in the Yacht Club (you just need to walk passed the Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club).