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Special Celebrations


Jane and David Laws: 10-year anniversary

Congratulations to Jane and David, who were presented with 10-year anniversary certificates on13 January 2025.

Marie Leitch: Life Membership

Marie Leitch was honoured with Probus Life Membership at our July 2024 meeting, for her outstanding contribution to our Probus Club.

Mary Clews: 20-year anniversary

Mary was inducted into the Probus Club of Karrinyup and North Beach on 12 July 2004. Her 20 years’ service to the Club was recognised at our July 2024 meeting, at which she was presented with a certificate and a 20-year Probus pin by President Chris Smelt, and everyone enjoyed a special anniversary cake. Mary held the office of Newsletter Editor for ten years (2007-2016) in the days when a lot of members didn’t have email, so the Newsletters were printed at the local MP’s office. Mary is continuing to use her IT knowledge by helping to set up the equipment for the Speakers at our meetings. Mary has been involved in co-ordinating the Probus Book Club since its inception. Mary also hosted a bus load of our members for afternoon tea at her family farm near Gingin in 2019. The visit was part of our Wildflower Outing to Chittering and New Norcia. The wildflowers in Mary’s garden were spectacular. 

Marie and John Leitch: Celebrating 20 years with the Club

John and Marie Leitch were both inducted into the Probus Club of Karrinyup and North Beach on14 June 2004. Their 20 years’ service to the Club was recognised at our June 2024 meeting, at which they were presented with certificates and everyone enjoyed a special anniversary cake. Marie held the offices of: Liaison (2011-2016), Outings (2015-2016), Vice President (2008-2009 and 2018-2019), and President (2009-2010, 2019-2021). She was the first woman President of the Club. John was in charge of refreshments from 2006 to 2017, as in the early days of the Club it was the tradition that men minded the kitchen!

We celebrated the Club's 40th Anniversary at our January 2024 meeting.


We welcomed the new year with a special celebration Champagne Brunch at our January 2023 meeting.


Celebrating Carolyn's long-standing role as Secretary

We had a special presentation to Carolyn Field at our Presidents Lunch on 19 April 2023 when she stepped down from her very long-standing role as Secretary: 

Photo: Outgoing Secretary Carolyn (L) and President Sandra (R)

Jean Shearer & Irene Lee: Celebrating 10 years with the Club at our November 2022 meeting:

Photo: Jean Shearer, President Sandra and Irene Lee. Hilda Williams also received a 10-year certificate but couldn't be with us on the day.

Irene Lee & Jean Shearer were presented with their 10-year certificates at our November 2022 meeting. They both joined our Probus Club on 12 November 2012. They were our ‘Refreshment Ladies’ – Irene was part of the team for three years from 2013 to 2016, and Jean headed the team from 2017 to 2022. We thank them both for their important contribution to our Club.

Colin Atkinson: Celebrating 20 years with the Club:


 Photo: Colin with President Sandra Dawe.

Congratulations to Colin Atkinson on 20 years with the Probus Club of Karrinyup and North Beach. Colin joined the Club on the 9th September 2002. During his time with us he has been instrumental in handling our Constitution whenever changes have been necessary. He also successfully negotiated with the North Beach Bowling Club for our move from the Anglican Church in Karrinyup. He has served on the Committee as President on five occasions, Secretary two occasions, Property Officer once and Refreshments once. In his quiet, knowledgeable and dedicated way, his advice and management whilst on the Committee gained Colin the respect of all his fellow members. Even today his help and advice is sought whenever we are in doubt. Thank you from all our members. 

Sandra Dawe: Celebrating 10 years with the Club

Photo: President Sandra Dawe and Vice President Penny Farrant.

Sandra Dawe joined our Probus Club on 12 August 2012 - joining her husband Denis who had been a member since 2003. Sandra also took over the Archives in the year she joined and has had charge of them ever since. For many years Sandra nursed both her mother and then her father, and so was not always able to attend Probus as often as she would have liked. It has been good to see her become more involved in the last couple of years and take on the role of President this year.

Sandra was presented with a pin to commemorate her 10 years at the Club, along with a card from all of us.

John Leitch: The Probus Club of Karrinyup and North Beach appreciates a true gentleman

Photo: John Leitch and President Sandra Dawe

John Leitch was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by the Karrinyup and North Beach Probus Club at our meeting on 13 June 2022. John joined the Club with his wife Marie in June 2004 when we held our meetings at the Karrinyup Anglican Church. Before long he was helping Tom and Gerry (true!) in the kitchen preparing the morning teas. Then, after his ‘apprenticeship’, John held the position of Refreshments Coordinator from 2006 to 2017 – a total of 11 consecutive years. Even now he is always helping the girls in the kitchen.

In November 2014, together with Marie, they introduced and organised the Sausage Sizzle at Jackadder Lake. This was such a successful event that it became an annual outing until John became unwell last year.

John has supported the Club by attending most outings unless away travelling or not well. Always with a smile, he is still helping out whenever needed. His consideration of others, his dedication to our Club, his community spirit, his ability to make new members welcome and his friendship and comradeship are unequalled.

Diane Brennan awarded an OAM

On the morning of our June meeting, we were thrilled to hear that one of our members, Diane Brennan, had that very morning been announced as a recipient of the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to performing arts education.

Congratulations Diane from all members of the Karrinyup and North Beach Probus Club!

Diane’s credentials are outstanding:

John Curtin College of the Arts 

  • Drama Teacher, 1972-2002.
  • Teacher, Tutor, Adjudicator and Speech Coach, current.


  • Drama Support Teacher, Albany State High School, current.
  • Drama Support Teacher, Scotch College, current.
  • Drama Support Teacher, Carmel College, current.
  • Drama Support Teacher, St Mary's Anglican Girls School, current. 

The English Speaking Board Curriculum Western Australia

  • Former Executive Member.

Inner Wheel Australia Karrinyup District A40

  • President, 2019-2021.
  • Social Convenor, 2021-2022.
  • Member, since 2003.


  • Former Fundraiser, Friends of West Australian Symphony Orchestra.
  • Member, Karrinyup and North Beach Probus Club.

Leone Bruvelis Awarded a WA Volunteer Service Award


Congratulations to Leone Bruvelis who has recently been awarded a 2022 WA Volunteer Service Award.

Leone has volunteered for the Red Cross for 35 continuous years, during which time she has volunteered in many different capacities. The most interesting task was International Tracing, which involved connecting families separated by war and conflict. Leone also did a lot of work with Disaster and Emergency services, who gave her a lot of training until she was training the trainers.

These days, Leone mostly does fundraising with her City Beach unit. She says she’s not so young and energetic anymore!

Syd Purcher: Congratulations on 25 years with us.

The Probus Club of Karrinyup & North Beach welcomed Syd on 14 April 1997 – 25 years ago. He is our longest serving member and we are delighted that he still wishes to join us at Probus, enjoying the company of fellow members, listening to speakers and attending outings now with one of his daughters.

Syd was elected Treasurer in 1998, and must have enjoyed counting money, because he continued in this position until 2018. His dedication to this role over 20 years has been much appreciated by all members.

Although Syd’s wife Margaret was never officially a member of our Club we fondly remember her attending functions with him.

We thank Syd for his service to our Club over the last 25 years.

At our meeting on 11 April 2022, Syd was presented with a Certificate of Recognition, together with a Probus Cap and 25 year pin, before cutting his 25-year Celebration Cake at morning tea for members and guests to help him celebrate this special occasion.

Bob Morris: 20 years of service

We celebrated President Bob Morris' 20 years of sevice at our 11 October club meeting.

Bob was inducted into the club on 9 October 2001, he received his 10 year certificate in 2011, and was awarded Life Membership in 2018.

During the last 20 years Bob has held most executive positions: President (6 years), Vice President (3 years), Membership (2 years), Speakers (2 years), Outings (1 year), Tech Support (1 year), Archives (1 year) and Property (1 year).

Members enjoyed a celebratory cake.

Vice President Penny presented Bob with his 20 year service pin and a well-deserved bottle of wine.