Guest Speakers:
Most months at the Club we welcome a guest speaker - topics are many and varied. Something for everyone. Members are very welcome to suggest topics and/orspeakers.
In March 2025 Darren Reynolds will be speaking on Every Daughter Matters.
In November Simon Allen spoke about Aged and Community Care at Red Cross:
In October Bill Berry spoke about Interactive music:
In September we held our Spring Conversation Circle.
Our speaker in August was Anne Chapple - History of ANZAC Cottage
Our speaker in July was Fran Taylor - Ran Away to Sea
Our speaker in June was Kevin Gest - Families that Influence the World:
Our May Speaker was Stephen Satchell - My life as a taxi driver:
Our April Speaker was Peter Kennedy - Stories of Premiers:
Our March 2024 speaker was author John Taylor who spoke about growing up in a Fenland village in England after WW2:
Our February speaker was Nigel Ridgeway, who spoke about British involvement in the establishment of Israel.
In November: Helen Iles spoke to us on 'How People Our Age Can Write Our Stories':
In October we enjoyed talks by four of our members (Dellas, Diane, Peter and Jane):
In September we enjoyed a talk by David Kennedy on The Scale of Roman Archaeology:
In August we enjoyed a talk by Donna Gonajayakody on Hearing Loss and Alzheimers:
In July David Hounsome spoke to us about Art with a Purpose:
In June Virginia Huupponen spoke to us about the I Dare Dream Grandcarers Support charity:
In May we had an informative talk on the WA Seniors Card, by Rachael and Ellie from the Department Of Communities:
In April we enjoyed a very informative talk by Julian Donaldson, CEO National Trust:
In March Dr Sue Boyd spoke about life in the Australian Foreign Service:
In February we enjoyed an interesting talk on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands by Peter Merralls from U3A North Coast:
In November member Marie Chatwin gave us a fascinating talk about her 30 years working in the WA Prison system.
In October our guest speakers were Fiona Cooper-Smyth and Tracey Shea who spoke about the WA Parks Foundation.
Our speaker at the September meeting was Hajit Singh, who talked about Sikhs in Australia.
The speaker at our August meeting was Claire Webb who spoke about Assistant Dogs.
The speaker at our July meeting, Keiran Shum, gave us a very interesting talk about 'Mercy Ships'.
Photo shows the Africa Mercy (on which Keiran worked) and the brand new larger Global Mercy docked in Senegal in June 2022:
Our guest speaker in June was forensic scientist Bob Mead, with a talk entitied 'Body in the Bag'.
Our May guest speaker was Barbara Alcock, on the subject of 'Auslan'.
Our guest speaker on 11 April was Chris Bowman who spoke about his book 'Me, the boat and a guy name Bob'.
The speaker at our 14 March meeting was Sue Critchley who spoke about the STAREE Trials:
Our February meeting was cancelled due to Covid.
Our November speaker was Craig Challen who spoke about the "Thai cave rescue"
Our October speaker was Judith Amey who spoke on "In the Steps of Genghis Khan”
Our September speaker was Frank Dymond who talkwd about “Do Animals Understand Physics?”
Our August Speaker was Melanie O’Brien who spoke about the Rohingas.
Unfortunately Margaret Watroba's talk about Mount Everest scheduled for July has had to be postponed (date to be advised), however members Arthur, Estelle and Mary filled in by entertaining us with three interesting talks.
Our speaker in June was Richard Offen on the subject of "Heroes, Villains and Vagabonds"
Our speaker in May 2021 was David Hounsome will spoke about "Aboriginal Art from Cave to Canvas"
Our speaker in April 2021 was Diane Warnock, who spoke on "Why Politics?"
Our speaker in March 2021 was Michael Bleus from the RFDS: